

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, August 22, 2011

hello!!first of all, 4 days left before my flight to bintulu. . woot!woot!hehe. . .by the way, I just reconfirmed my order with an online photography shop about my order, and within this week, my items will be here and i'm ready to rock for raya!!hehe. . .Loves it!!

by the way, today I went to the administration office regarding my scholarship and the tuition fees. . .they stamped the yellow letter and all of it went smoothly. . but. . yes. . .there is always but in a good thing. . .haiya. . .I forgot to meet Mr. Faizal. . .the most important thing that I need to do today supposed to be meeting him, but screw this overload-brain, I forgot. . .LOL. . .furthermore, it's started to rain and I didn't have much choice than going back to my room. . .x(

hehe. . .really can't wait for 26/8. . . .wanna change to a new phone. . .hey, talking about phone. .my phone is completely weird already. .when a message is received, it doesn't notify the owner( which is me ) about it. . .that's one. . two, the pins that connect the phone with its housing are exposed and I thought that it is not a problem at all. .but, things always makes up. .when I called my mom or make any other phone call, the calls tend to cut off by itself, and seriously, it annoys me!!SO MUCH!!

it has been so long that I haven't received any text from her. . .pfft. . .I shouldn't hoping so much that day. . .well, as I mentioned before, she already got a new man. . .haiya. . .faqqar. . .why u still cannot forget her ha?. . .u r so stupid la faqqar. . .everyone already move on with their life, but you?haiya. . .leave her alone laa. . .she doesn't need u anymore. . .

do u really want to know why I keep hoping that everything going back as nice as before?

first, she is my first girlfriend and we already shared lots of things. . .secrets, hardship, study together. . .lots of it. .second, because I love her so much. . .every time I encountered with problems, she will be there to help me. .even by listening. . really missed that moment . .I cried once when I shared my problems with her. . .geez man. . .do u think that I don't have any problem??LOL. . .I'm not some kind of extremely rich, exotic type of man who doesn't need to worry about anything. . . .FREAK OUT PEEPS!!

the third reason is there is one day after we breakup, to be precise, last week, I called her and she called me the name that we use when we are couple. .=)
frankly to say, I was so happy and I texted her after the phone call. . .then she said that she just woke up from sleep. . .hurmm. . .=(. . I really thought that u . . . . . .urghh!!never mind. . .

fourth, I still believe that she still got some feelings toward me. . .SOME is better than NONE right. . .so, I still got some hope there. . .furthermore, my friend, who is currently is in relationship with me told me that she still liked me. . I really dunno where did he get that information, but. . .WOAH!!. . .hehe. . .

before I forgot, you'll notice something at my blog right. . .got some improvement already. . .got the latest tweets from me. . .hell yeah. . .it seems like I really get into twitter already rather than facebook. . .facebook is a media that I used to communicate with people especially my friend ( and hope that she is online, but she didn't ) and my photography info or anything else that caught my attention. . .else, I prefer twitter. . .

quoted from one of arshad kassim ( one of my senior that tweets a lot )

--->luckily there is twitter. . .if not, we will refreshed the facebook home button every ten seconds. .


there also cute guy using spectacles at the bottom left of my blog and it resembles me. . .I am not saying that I am cute. . .tried to find character that using spectacles and 'talked' in a pink box, but negative. .using spectacles - check, pink box - not check. .just found the green box. . .haha. . .

Ok. . .thanks for reading my post and when I am at my hometown, I think I wouldn't have much time to update my blog because of the photography session and it's raya already. . .so, I will try to update lots about my life here before going back to UTP and adios amigos!!



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