

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

what up dude~

hello there. . . .actually I got no idea for the title. . .so I just came out with a phrase from Barney Stinson. . . .I bet u know who is Barney Stinson right. . .he is one of the actor for the 'How I Met You Mother' drama. . .geez. . .that drama was so famous ok. . .and funny. . . .hahaha. . .

ok. . .yesterday story ( 3/8/2011 )actually I didnt go for lectures the whole day except for the test that been held at 4.00pm. . .it was English writing test and superbly being done!!by the way, there are some bad thing occurred when I was sleeping. . .right now I am keeping my hair long ( but not as long as a girl's hair ). . .the purpose of I'm doing that is so that I can rebonding my hair when I'm going back to miri. . .but, here is the bad part. . I dreamt that my hair being cut off!!urghh!!so scary u know. . .but,thanks to that dream, I was able to wake up from my sleep. . .haha. . .

what else huh?yeah. . .my menu for the break the fast . . .I ate rice with cabbage and carrots and chicken kurma. . . .it was so delicious and I was like. . .urghh!!extremely full!!

and for sahur just now, I ate some bread with peanut butter and strawberry topping. . .I make it like sandwich but in the end, i just ate it by spreading some of the jam to the bread. . it was so hard to make it into a sandwiches u know. . haha. . .LOL. . .by the way, I'm counting days for my plane. . .22 days more before 26/8/2011 and I'm off too miri!!yay!!

hey, I noticed something about my wicked roommate ( haha. . .no offense ok ). . .It seems like he is getting better. .what I meant here is he doesnt become as lunatic,crazy, as before. . .less bad things, become more hardworking than before. . .yeah. . it's good right. . .hehe. . .eyh. . .before I forgot. . .to someone who is reading this post, don't forget to give me my DSLR before the time runs out ok. . .

*that advertisement was made by the awesomeness me. thank you*

*the dream was so horrible*

*really really really really horrible*


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