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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

raya's story. . .

hye!!this is what I wrote when I'm going home to Miri.  .really sad right now.  .my coursework for programming is so low, and I might flunked the subject. . urghh!!well, here is it. . 


Hello there!!today is Friday and I am going back to Miri!!hehe. . .here’s the flow of my journey today. .at 8.30am, started my journey from UTP to medan gopeng. . .from here, I use van. . . I forgot to ask the name of the driver. . .he is helping his father after all. .besides, he is final year student in UiTM nearby UTP. . .he is doing Diploma in statistics. . .we had lots of conversation, from study to culture and language in Sarawak, and I am proud to be sarawakian. By the way, he also an anime lover!!haha. . .same goes with me bro!but, there is something that scared me off when I am in the way to medan gopeng. Both of us saw an accident involving motorcycle and a car. Poof!! The man lying down there, unconscious. .when we reached medan gopeng, we shook hand and I pay MYR 60.00 to him. . .since I am telling the fare that I had to pay him, I will tell u something before I proceed my story. . .it is not much. . actually, the fare is not that high. .but, due to the festive season, the fare roses up. . .before this the fare is only around MYR 40.00 to MYR 50.00 only. . .
9.29am – currently I am waiting for the bus. . .Star Shuttle. .the fare hasn’t changed since the first time I used their service. . still MYR 42.00. . .luckily that I had ordered the ticket earlier. . .based on what I had saw just now, the ticket are selling like a hot curry puff. . . LOL. . .do I need to related it with curry puff??I ate lots of curry puff yesterday. . .It has been long time since I haven’t ate any curry puff. . .by the way, I met new friend!!hurmm. . .wait. . .what is her name?. . .I don’t really remember. . .but, she is from Sarawak too!!to be exact, from Kuching. .urghh!!I forgot to ask for her phone number. . .email or facebook is better. .she is studying at UiTM too, same with the brother that give me a ride before. .her voice. . .urmm. . how could I say this huh?. .so ‘loud’. . haha. . if u know what I meant. .I barely can hear her voice. .done with that!

10.08am – the bus started to move already. . .there was an incident that happened just now. .it’s quite funny if u r watching it live. .and it may be less funny if u r reading it now. .there is one Indian woman sitting in front of me. .using blue shirt, with a bandana. . .well, I think she is a typical Indian girl. . .around 40. .then, a woman approached her and asked her to change to other seat. .for your information, the bus that I am using right now are free-seated. We can seat anywhere we want. This cute malay girl want that seat and there are some talking going on just now. .LOL . . .sounds like a reporter already. .blah. .blah. .blah. .the malay woman win. .the Indian woman lost. .hey, I am not trying to be a racist ok. .it’s true. .ok. . .want to go to sleep. . .lack of sleep already. . . .adios amigos!!

p.s. watched another accident here. .LOL. . .this time, it’s still involving motorcyclist and car. . .

wake up early and I realized that I come down from the bus earlier than what it had supposed to be. . .urghh!!PANICKED!!. . then,my dad give me a call and told me what to do next. . .then, I took airline transit at 1.49pm. .direct to the LCCT. . .learn something new here. . air asia-lcct, MAS- KLIA. . .hurmm. .
then, I met Ezzah, Azwa, Hajar and Aidel at the LCCT. . .ezzah, hajar aidel and me are on the same trip, to bintulu. . .only azwa is different than us.  .she is going back to kuching. .

in the plane – well, nothing unusual had happened. . .the same thing. . .but,this time, the pain due to the differences in height had gone. . .woahh!!i’m feeling better because of this. . .LOL. . go to sleep. . the flight is delayed for around 20minutes. .

around 6.30pm, we arrived at the bintulu airport. . .had some photoshoot session before leaving. .well, when I am going to buy the bus ticket from bintulu to miri, I called my mom. . .but, my sister answered it. . .by all of sudden, I being pushed by someone from behind. . .LOL. . .it was my sister. . .and my mom and my dad is sitting at the cafe in the airport. . .hehehe. . .

in the car – having lots of conversation about my study, about my enthusiasm towards photography. . .my mom was so shocked to hear that I want to change my course to photography. . .hurmm. . a really bad choice. . .

for dinner, we had seafood in a Chinese restaurant. . .frankly to say, their baby kalian and fried squid are not that delicious. . .the taste doesn’t reached my threshold. .but. the fish is nice. . .ikan kerapu kukus. . .got some picture of it. . .wait, after the fish had been eaten.  .LOL. . we are so hungry lorh. . .
sleep. .

27082011 – go to Farley to met my mom former worker. .I called her kak miemah. . .getting chubbier already. . haha. . .shopping for a while in the Farley but nothing caught my attention. . .then, all of us go to one world. .it is a shopping complex at bintulu. . .pretty nice and looks like miri. . haha. . .really miss miri. . .want to go there lorh. . .found iphone 4 white for MYR 2159 only. . .forgot to withdraw money from the ATM. . .so rushing. . .before I found the phone, we went upstairs and bought three shirts already!!hehe. . 2 white, one black. . .this year theme : KOREAN. . .

p.s. one of the shirt look like the one that Hanazarawa Rui wore in Boys Over Flower Japanese version. . .hehe. . .

Done with that. . .go to esplanade and buy food for break the fast. . .we buy lots of them. . squid, beef, fish curry and more. .then, go to tanjung batu. . .having some photoshoot there too. . .pheww. . the view is nice. . .done with photoshoot, we headed to the mosque. . .I think, this is the most modern mosque. . .why?why?why??got free wi-fi. . .LOL. . .do you want to know the name of the mosque?here is it. . .MASJID HIDAYAH BINTULU. . .I’m pretty sure bintulurians know about it. . .xD

Currently in the car and headed back to miri. . the time is 5.34pm and adios amigos!!

Reached miri at 8.20pm. . .the journey that supposed to take around 2 hours plus became 3 hours plus. . haha. .LOL .. actually, we stopped by batu niah first to break the fast. . .we ate the food that we had bought earlier. . .it’s quite delicious especially the beef. . .the squid is quiet spicy. .frankly to say, we are so full . . .hey, mentioning about the food, have u ever try the almond dates??the differences between the original dates and the almond dates is the original one have the seed, but the almond dates, the seed being changed to almond instead of seed. . .yummy!!but, there are some problem with it. . .first, the almond is not so crunchy. . .second, the taste of the dates is not so smooth . . I think this is because the almond absorb the juicy of the dates. . . hurmm. . .

Texted her for some time and she asked me to rest because I am tired. . LOL. . .xD. . .so caring right. . .hehe. . .well. . .i think that’s all for this trip.  .preparing for raya already lorh. . .

p.s. my parent decorated the house already and I liked it!!


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