

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, September 30, 2011


huarghh!!I wonder what make me feel like this. . .there is something that I want to share with u. . .don't u realize that facebook right now is kinda lame??

well. .no offence ok. . . there are so much changes had been done by them and sometimes ( well, most of the time ) giving us some troubles to adapt with it. . .some people had mentioned to me that facebook also got some similarities with twitter. . .the TIMELINE!!yeah. . there are certain people that saying that facebook had come with new features such as the timeline. . eventhough they are not mentioning it as timeline, but as a twitter users, we can detect it. . .so, what I am trying to say here is why did facebook try to imitate twitter?

got this picture from here . . .actually I googled it before then I found this pretty nice picture about twitter versus facebook.  .LOL. . kinda funny tho. . ..

next story. . .planning to change my dslr with a new one. . .thinking of nikon d90 or nikon d7000. . .nikon d7000 far outweigh nikon d90 in terms of specs. . .just found one buyer that want to buy nikon d5100 from me. . .well, need to find some cash to buy the camera lorh. . .hehe. . .my future dslr. . . .nikon d7000 with 50mm f1.8G. . sounds nice right. . .

this is the nikon d7000 body. . .here's the specs. . .click here

and this is the nikkor lens 50mm f1.8G

the main differences between 50mm 1.8G and 50mm 1.8D is G got motor and D doesn't have motor. . .when a G-lens being fitted to a DSLR body which doesn't have motor, it can autofocus. . .but, it wouldn't be the same if a D-lens combine with a DSLR body that doesn't have motor. . u can only manual focus them. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . it seems like this blog will be some kind of photography blog. . .who cares right??this is my blog and I have my own way to express myself!!LOL. . .kinda excited. . .

by the way, HAPPY 1st OCTOBER!!

*poof* I'm off!  =___=''


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