

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, August 22, 2011

hello!!first of all, 4 days left before my flight to bintulu. . woot!woot!hehe. . .by the way, I just reconfirmed my order with an online photography shop about my order, and within this week, my items will be here and i'm ready to rock for raya!!hehe. . .Loves it!!

by the way, today I went to the administration office regarding my scholarship and the tuition fees. . .they stamped the yellow letter and all of it went smoothly. . but. . yes. . .there is always but in a good thing. . .haiya. . .I forgot to meet Mr. Faizal. . .the most important thing that I need to do today supposed to be meeting him, but screw this overload-brain, I forgot. . .LOL. . .furthermore, it's started to rain and I didn't have much choice than going back to my room. . .x(

hehe. . .really can't wait for 26/8. . . .wanna change to a new phone. . .hey, talking about phone. .my phone is completely weird already. .when a message is received, it doesn't notify the owner( which is me ) about it. . .that's one. . two, the pins that connect the phone with its housing are exposed and I thought that it is not a problem at all. .but, things always makes up. .when I called my mom or make any other phone call, the calls tend to cut off by itself, and seriously, it annoys me!!SO MUCH!!

it has been so long that I haven't received any text from her. . .pfft. . .I shouldn't hoping so much that day. . .well, as I mentioned before, she already got a new man. . .haiya. . .faqqar. . .why u still cannot forget her ha?. . .u r so stupid la faqqar. . .everyone already move on with their life, but you?haiya. . .leave her alone laa. . .she doesn't need u anymore. . .

do u really want to know why I keep hoping that everything going back as nice as before?

first, she is my first girlfriend and we already shared lots of things. . .secrets, hardship, study together. . .lots of it. .second, because I love her so much. . .every time I encountered with problems, she will be there to help me. .even by listening. . really missed that moment . .I cried once when I shared my problems with her. . .geez man. . .do u think that I don't have any problem??LOL. . .I'm not some kind of extremely rich, exotic type of man who doesn't need to worry about anything. . . .FREAK OUT PEEPS!!

the third reason is there is one day after we breakup, to be precise, last week, I called her and she called me the name that we use when we are couple. .=)
frankly to say, I was so happy and I texted her after the phone call. . .then she said that she just woke up from sleep. . .hurmm. . .=(. . I really thought that u . . . . . .urghh!!never mind. . .

fourth, I still believe that she still got some feelings toward me. . .SOME is better than NONE right. . .so, I still got some hope there. . .furthermore, my friend, who is currently is in relationship with me told me that she still liked me. . I really dunno where did he get that information, but. . .WOAH!!. . .hehe. . .

before I forgot, you'll notice something at my blog right. . .got some improvement already. . .got the latest tweets from me. . .hell yeah. . .it seems like I really get into twitter already rather than facebook. . .facebook is a media that I used to communicate with people especially my friend ( and hope that she is online, but she didn't ) and my photography info or anything else that caught my attention. . .else, I prefer twitter. . .

quoted from one of arshad kassim ( one of my senior that tweets a lot )

--->luckily there is twitter. . .if not, we will refreshed the facebook home button every ten seconds. .


there also cute guy using spectacles at the bottom left of my blog and it resembles me. . .I am not saying that I am cute. . .tried to find character that using spectacles and 'talked' in a pink box, but negative. .using spectacles - check, pink box - not check. .just found the green box. . .haha. . .

Ok. . .thanks for reading my post and when I am at my hometown, I think I wouldn't have much time to update my blog because of the photography session and it's raya already. . .so, I will try to update lots about my life here before going back to UTP and adios amigos!!


Friday, August 19, 2011

something not right is going on. . .

hehe. . hello there!!haish. . .well, by looking at the title,u can say that something not right is going on right. . .ok, the first thing is my flu getting worse each and every day. . .but, there is sometime that it got better and by all of sudden,it worsen. my throat getting dry easily and seriously, I had some difficulties in this year's fasting. .

next, my final exam slip. . .hurmm. . .actually I tried to collect my slip before, but always got some problems and the time is clash. .when I am trying to go to the office, they are still in their lunchbreak time. .then, when they had done with their lunchbreak, I have class during that time. . x(. .

here's the good part. . .I got new DSLR last week. . .and it is pretty impressive. . .planning on changing a new one again. . .maybe Nikon D7000 or Canon EOS 7D. . .still making some research which one is better. . .really got into photography already. . hehe. . .it looks like I need to earn some cash before I managed to buy those gears. . .maybe I also need flashlight, thinking of Nissin Di622 Mark II. . .extra lens. . .50mm lens from Nikkor is good too. . for portrait photos. . .and maybe planning to buy tripod too. . .hurmm. . . .

by the way, 6 days left before my flight to bintulu. . yeah!!hehe. . I am getting a new phone when I reached Miri. . .as my birthday present of course. . .LOL. . .planning on getting a white Iphone 4 maybe. . but, I heard that Iphone 5 is coming out soon. . urghh!!it's really hard to make choices huh. . .Miss NF also planning on to buy Iphone 4 too. . .=). . .

laptop?hehe. . .I think that my laptop still can be used. . .just serviced it by myself couple of days ago. . and it seems like my laptop is getting faster and runs most games smoothly already. . .NFS hot pursuit in highest setting; DONE. . .but there is some games that really need my attention. . .Alien vs Predator, Crysis 2 and some decent games that really required high specs on the platform. . .hurmm. .

before i forgotten, it is the last ten days of Ramadhan and in this period of time, there lies the greatest night ever. . .Lailatul Qadr. .hope that all of us will get the benefits of the Lailatul Qadr which benefits us more than thousand month. . InsyaAllah. . .

ok. . .I think that's all for now. . .hehe . . annyong!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

xXxXxXx. . .

hurmm. . .really regret on what I had done before. .actually, I asked something from her. . I keep asking and asking until she got really fed up with me. .well, she helped me a lot before this and I think this is the time that I should help her. . .hurmm. . .I really think that she hates me more than she loved me before. . .she also got a new boyfie already laa. . .that's why I'm thinking like that. . .by the way, she just called me and wish for my birthday. . .I don't really thought that she will still remember my birthday after all those thing that I had done to her. .so stupid right. .

-during the conversation-
 actually I didn't answer the phone call. . .I really dunno why. . then, I asked her to call me back. . .she sound so happy and I know it is not because of me. . .it is because of other people, and not me. . .we had some conversation and it seems the time flew so fast. . .then we continued texting each other and I really felt that I'm getting far from her. . .I asked her about the purse that I gave to her for her birthday last year, she said that she still keep it. . .I thought that she already threw it away. . .the reason why I am thinking like that is before this miss NS do the same thing to me. . .what I meant here is she threw all the stuff that I gave to her before. . .but, surprisingly, miss NF still keep all the thing that I gave her. . .the flower, the purse. . .u must be wondering, how in hell the flower still can be kept after a long time?actually it is a flip flap flower. . .I have one and she also has one. . . I gave the flower before I being suspended from school . . hehe. . .

the flower. . . .hurmm. . .she had mentioned to me that, whenever she missed me, she will look at the flower and remember me. . .but, I think right now, there is no need for you to do that. . .u r not mine anymore. . .u r someone else's. . .frankly to say, actually I had forgot that today is my birthday until my dad give me a call. . .after that, then u give me a call. . .look. . .faqqar. . can't u see that??the most important person after my family call me right after my family call me. . .urghh!!so stupid laa. . . .

by the way,she said that she are watching SAW with her roommate. . .before that u said to me that u r afraid with that kind of movies. . .but u r watching the 7th episode already. . . .something funny happened before. . .I watched it before my parent cakk. . .eyh. . .wrong spelling. . .call. . .haha. . .it seems like we still have some synchronization there. . .and it gonna gone it a period of time. . .when she give me a call, the song from yuna was actually playing. . .she recognized the song and for me, the song really suits our condition right now. .

I think that's all for now. . .saranghae. . . .annyong. .

Monday, August 8, 2011


Oh My God!!she called me last night!!hehe. .so happy. . .wait faqqar. . .don't u think there is something so fishy about this??do u really think that she want to be with u back??urmm. . .i don't think so la faqqar. . .better u just let go of her. . .she already with someone else. . .and it seems like she is so happy with him. . .

hurmm. . .well,that's was my inner side talking to me. . ='). . .hehe. . .i really dunno whether i should cry because of happy or what. . .i really happy that finally she called me. . .when i received that call, i was shocked!!why on earth did she suddenly called me??guess what, she just trying to say that she want to go to sleep. .hehe. . well,it's worth it u know. . .it has been so long that she hadn't called me. . .i really missed her voice. . .when i heard her voice last night, i was like. . .WOAH!!it's her!!hehe. . .if u r in my shoes, u will know how does it felt. . .

well, i just had my sahur just now. . .i ate nasi lemak with chicken rendang and cabbage. . .haha. . .u must be wondering why i always mentioned cabbage right. . .well,it is hard to find others vegetables . . .cabbage,cabbage,cabbage. . .hurmm. . .well,at least i had something to eat right. . .hurmm. . .did she already had her sahur??i hope that she already had her. . .well,it nearly subuh right now,i think that's all. . .bye!!

*really happy*

Sunday, August 7, 2011

getting worse. . .

urmm. . .based on the title, i think all of u can guess what had happened to me right. . .yeah. . .FYI, i tried to make the situation better for both of us. . but,something went wrong in the middle. .we had some conversations and texting each other, and based on what i observed, i can say that it was completely ruined!!she seldomly replied my text, late in replying it, and the worst case is it seems like she had no longer interest in texting with me. . .i'm really sorry if what i had thought is completely wrong. . .yeah, i know that i shouldnt text u anymore,but i can't really helped it. . .i miss u damn much right now!!urghh!!

u had once said to me that love is not something that can be forced. .and i still remembered that i keep forcing u to be my girlfriend before. . . .i think that annoyed u so much. . wait2. . .i'm sure that annoyed u so much,right?i'm really afraid that u will gone from my life. . .i dont want that to happened because i really love you. . .i know that i had been a really bad boyfie right. . .i lost the shirt that u give to me. .do you know how did that shirt lost??actually,there is something inside my body. . it is something supernatural. . .i think u know what i meant right. .so, cut the story short. . .there is someone try to make me suffer by sending those thing to me. . .to achieved that, he took something that belongs to me. . .unfortunately,it was the shirt that u had gave me. . .I cried when i lost that shirt. . .it was the first shirt that was given to me by you. . u also mentioned that it was ur first time buying shirt for guy. . .hehe. . .=')

i had never got the chances to take a picture of that shirt and because of that,it made me really regretted on what i had done. . .i know that u really disappointed with me because i lost ur shirt. . .but u keep denying that u r ok with that. . .actually u r really sad right. . .by the way,do u still keep the purse that i gave to you?the pink one ( sounds like i gave her more than one right. . .hehe. .  ). . .it was the first time for me to dare enough to buy a purse for a girl. . .hurmm. . i guessed that gonna be our memories right. . . .i'm sorry because i didnt took a really good care of ur shirt. .i'm sorry. . .='(

Saturday, August 6, 2011

in a sad mode. .

hye. . . .urghh!!I'm really sorry for everything. . .for everything that i had done to you. . i'm really2 sorry. . .hurmm. . .u all must be wondering why did I suddenly behave like this right. . .actually, I discovered a fact that really broke my heart. . .ok,here's the story. . .do u still remembered miss NF?i really hope that u remembered her. . .i u dont have any clue about her, just read my previous2 post. . .it will mentioned something about her. . .

as u all know, both of us had breakup on 11th january 2011 right. . .so,it's been nearly seven months that both of us are single. .but,there are something that surprised me. . .well,it seems like all of us had move along after the sad story of our lives,but it seems like it's only me that still stuck in here. . .i just discovered that it seem like she already had a crush on one of her classmate ( i think it was her classmate ). . .hurmm. . .both of them look really happy. . .yeah. . .I really deserved this after what i had done to her before. . .seriously, I still love her like the first day that I loved her. .there is one crazy trip that i havent mentioned to u before. . .

there is one day that i really missed her. . .it has been so long that i havent texted her. . got no courage to do that. . .so, I went through the malaysian airlines website to check for the plane ticket to go back to miri. . .luckily there are still some tickets and i bought one online. . .frankly to say,it was the craziest trip that i had been gone too. . .and do u really know why did i go to miri back??to go to my house and get ur letters and bring them to here. . . .so,when i missed u, i would read the letters and all the moments and the incidents that happened upon the letters came across my mind. .frankly to say, i read those letters when everyone was asleep. .geez. . .i really dunno why did I pour everything out here. . .well,got nobody to talked with about this matter. . .

hurmm. . .so that's it. . .it seems like all of us had moved along. . .they also got their heart being stolen by a better person than me and it looks like I didnt get anything from the good thing that happened to them. . .I'm really sorry for the all thing that i had done, and I really regretted it. .so, I guess this is the end of the story of ours. . .I really hope that I can fix this problems but, yeah. . .I really dunno. . .I didnt managed to do that and I'm worsening it. . .hope u r happy with ur new love. . .

people might change but there are 2 things that u cant change them. . . their name n the memories you've had with them. . .

this is the last tweets that u had tweetted about. . .i supposed to know that this tweet was for me. . .thanks for everything and saranghae miss NF. . .=(

Friday, August 5, 2011


hello guys. . .i'm so sorry because havent update my blog . . .actually i was really tired today because yesterday we had lots of pool game outside of utp. .besides,we also had our sahur at restoran al - bayan after playing pool. . .so can u imagined how tired was I??damn tired!!

ok. . .wanna share something about the pool game last night. . .basically it was so exhausting kind of game, but practically, we enjoyed it. .i won a match against -have-not-beaten-by-me roommate and put all the balls into the holes by myself in a tag team game. it was awesome seeing the balls went straight into the holes. . hehe. . .

then, around 3.30am, we ended our game. . .then, we go to the restaurant to have our sahur. . .i ordered roti telur and bandung ais. . .hehe. . i really dont know why i kinda hooked up with bandung ais right now. . .it's kinda sweet and it is pink in colour. . hey, you know what, i loved pink before this. . .haha. . it is a true story my friend. . .love pink so much,but not a pink-colour-loved-by-most-of-the-girls-around-the-globe type. . .LOL. . .it's just a light pink that look really nice to me. . .by the way,right now, i liked white and black more than pink. . .well,we can match any colour to both of them right. . .it's so harmony u know. . .hehe. . .

next, the most horrible thing for today happened today. . LOL. . .I didnt eat anything for break the fast!!urghh!!i was really busy with my plants vs zombies and worms reloaded until i forgot to break my fast. . . .s right now,i ended up playing poker game online. . .so bored. . got no energy to do works. . .haish. . .by the way, actually i really dunno how to play poker. . it's just came across my mind and that's why i kept losing here. . . .shit!!hehe. . .a really noob player huh. . .i just keep raise and call for each bet. . .haha. . .

next story. . .before i posted this post,my mum called me and we had some conversation and talks. .my sister was there too with my mum. . .then,the good news is they are currently renovationg and decorating the house for raya. . my dad installed something to our house ( he asked someone to do the job ) and my sister said it was terrific!!hehe. . .so, counting days before the holiday and that's all for now. .going out for sahur. . .ciao!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

what up dude~

hello there. . . .actually I got no idea for the title. . .so I just came out with a phrase from Barney Stinson. . . .I bet u know who is Barney Stinson right. . .he is one of the actor for the 'How I Met You Mother' drama. . .geez. . .that drama was so famous ok. . .and funny. . . .hahaha. . .

ok. . .yesterday story ( 3/8/2011 )actually I didnt go for lectures the whole day except for the test that been held at 4.00pm. . .it was English writing test and superbly being done!!by the way, there are some bad thing occurred when I was sleeping. . .right now I am keeping my hair long ( but not as long as a girl's hair ). . .the purpose of I'm doing that is so that I can rebonding my hair when I'm going back to miri. . .but, here is the bad part. . I dreamt that my hair being cut off!!urghh!!so scary u know. . .but,thanks to that dream, I was able to wake up from my sleep. . .haha. . .

what else huh?yeah. . .my menu for the break the fast . . .I ate rice with cabbage and carrots and chicken kurma. . . .it was so delicious and I was like. . .urghh!!extremely full!!

and for sahur just now, I ate some bread with peanut butter and strawberry topping. . .I make it like sandwich but in the end, i just ate it by spreading some of the jam to the bread. . it was so hard to make it into a sandwiches u know. . haha. . .LOL. . .by the way, I'm counting days for my plane. . .22 days more before 26/8/2011 and I'm off too miri!!yay!!

hey, I noticed something about my wicked roommate ( haha. . .no offense ok ). . .It seems like he is getting better. .what I meant here is he doesnt become as lunatic,crazy, as before. . .less bad things, become more hardworking than before. . .yeah. . it's good right. . .hehe. . .eyh. . .before I forgot. . .to someone who is reading this post, don't forget to give me my DSLR before the time runs out ok. . .

*that advertisement was made by the awesomeness me. thank you*

*the dream was so horrible*

*really really really really horrible*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

third day already. .

hehe. . .yeah.  .it's 5.20am right now. . .and I'm going for subuh prayer around 25minutes more. . .so, today is the third day of fasting right. . .ehem2. . .my menu for break the fast just now. . . . .haha. . .u must be wondering why i just break y fast just now. . .actually, I got so lazy and besides, we are so busy with the thinking skills assignment. . .it required me to draw at least 5 different designs or a new concept for the pet feeding system. . .thanks to Naqiuddin Azim bin Nordin because helped me with those thing. . .I will done the finishing of the drawing later ok. .

now, back to the menu for break the fast just now. . .I ate chicken curry ( I think so. . ), some vegetables ( sawi kot. . .) with carrots and fried chicken's skins. . hehe. . LOL. . .after I finished my late dinner, my roommate and pak ali junior brought me to pak ali cafe to have their sahur. . .urghh!!so tired and so sleepy. . .well, my sahur went smoothly. . .I just had iced rose milk. .that's all. . .hey, I just had my late dinner ok. . .I don't want to get fat earlier. . .it's hard for me to get my body shape back. . .hehe. . . 

hurmm. . let see. . .I still want the laptop. . .currently my laptop already in a sick mode you know. . .always shutdown by itself when it get to hot. . .that's why i'm saying that acer is not a really good brand. . .they had the lowest ranking for their reliability but the highest for their price. . .so, I need to save some of my pocket money and maybe working for a while to gain some cash to buy the laptop. . .asus vx7sx. . .I think I want to work at a pc store. . .maybe PC Image in miri. . .they can give some discount for their workers to purchase something from their store. . .hehe. . .

ok, I think that's all for know. . .it's already subuh. . .till then, daa~

Monday, August 1, 2011

hehe. . .

hello!!it's 2.33am in the morning. . .ok, right now, i want to tell you about yesterday ( 1/8/2011 ). . .ok, first of all, my roommate already arrived. . .urghh!!no more queen size bed!!hate it!!huhu. . .haha.. he told me that he was extremely tired because of the driving trip ( a really crazy road trip !! ). . .usually I will sleep earlier than him, but today, he already asleep. . .haha. . .serves u right. . .

so. . . . . .how was ur first day of ramadhan??can u endure it??hehe. . LOL. . .what I am trying to say here is today's fasting is kinda easy. . hell yeah!! sleep after subuh prayer and wake up nearly 5. . . . . . IN THE EVENING!!LOL. . .for your information aka FYI, in tronoh perak, currently the break the fast time is around 7.15pm. . .so, it is no big deal right. . .but, I really need to wake up earlier tomorrow because got something to do with the administration of this university. . it is about my academic probation ( tehee. . .)

actually, those thing ( including the collection of the final exam slip ) needed to be done a long time before this. . haiya. . .I'm totally forgot about it ok. . sorry Mr. Ibrahim Faye. . . <------ he is my mentor regarding the academic probation thing. . .hurmm . . .really need to done it within this week. . .urghh!!got so much work to do. . .

hey, before I forgot, today got only 1 class. . .hehe. ..actually there are more, but due to some reasons, the other classes had been cancelled. . . fuhh. . .what a relieved. . .FREEDOM. . .that ended today. .well, this morning, the class will be as usual. ..pfftt. . .hehe. . .counting days for holiday. . .actually I'm celebrating my holiday earlier than others. .haha. . .what to do. . .really miss my hometown already. . .

by the way, right now my eyes stuck on a laptop, which I'm planning to buy if I got enough money lorr. . .do you want to know what it is?. . .ok, I'll give u some hints. . .the brand name started with an 'A'. . .acer??naah. . .are u kidding me??hehe. . ( updating my blog using an acer laptop right now ). . .yeah!!it is an ASUS!!. . .next hint. . .START ENGINE. . . .can u guess it already??what??asking for another hint??ok2. . . .based on Italy luxury cars brand. . . .well,try to guess it laa. . .I heard something~




yeah!!it is brand new asus lamborghini VX7. . .wait for it. . . .SX. . .yeah vx7sx. . .u should google it somewhere to know what kind of laptop that I'm trying to say here. . .or if u r to lazy, here's the link. . .

click here and tell me that this is a handsome laptop!!

hehe. . so I think that's all for now. . .before that, take a look at my dream laptop ok!!. . .nah. . .u can google it by urself right. . .don't be so lazy. . 

upsie. . .I think I accidentally uploaded the picture of it. . .well, it has carbon fibre finish at the surface and genuine leather for it palm rest. . .hehe. . .gorgeous right?got two different colour to choose. . .black and orange. . going for a black one of course. . .and look at the tail light. . .look like a lamborghini murcielago right??AWESOME!!

thank you for visiting!



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