

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Saturday, April 23, 2011

third chapter. . .(o.o)

hurmm. . .didn't get enough sleep yesterday,and i decided to continue the 'story of my life'. . hehe. . .

i asked him to take care of miss NS. .i don't want to see her crying again. .but,something really made me angry that day. . he just make an annoying face when i'm talking to him. . urghh!!f**k off!!

ehem2. . .sorry for the harsh and inappropriate word. . .can u imagine that he simply ignore me and continue his sleep after i'm talking to him??then i leave a final letter to miss NS when the programme come to its end. . .but,something make me really angry after that. . .him;the. . .urghh!!i dunno what 2 say, read the letter first. . .(sharpening the knife). . .luckily,he is in the different class with me. . .he is form 3 maju and i'm in 3 iltizam. . .lucky him. . .i know that he read the letter when i go to miss NS class to search for miss NS. . .realizing that her is not around,i went to her table. . .surprisingly,the letter is not there and i'm wondering where did the letter gone. . .after some investigation and searching,i found HIM upstairs,reading the letter. . .then i just took it away from his hand and said thank you,friend~

until now miss NS doesnt know the contain of the letter. . .

PRANGG!!hehe. . .the mirror of 3usaha's class broke because of me. . .frankly to say,it was hurt!!luckily my left hand is not bleeding. . .just some red mark on it. . then,my life just goes by. . .

entered form 4. . .
it's HIM!!he get into the same class with me. . .urghh!!form 4 iltizam. .let me tell u something about the class system in our school. . .mainly,they have 4 classes for each form. . .iltizam,usaha,maju,jaya. . .for the first class(iltizam),we been selected by our examination result. . .the top 25 goes to this class. . .then,the other three being mixed. . .so there is no distinct difference in the other three. . .but,for me,all of us are the same. . we live under one roof,under one batch,but the most important is as one family. . .

i want all of u to imagined something first ok. . can u imagined that,during my first senior year(form 4),i never greet him or talk to him~daa. . .it's my own way to forget something ok. . it takes me nearly 3 months to forget about miss NS(unfortunately not 100%). . .in the year 2009,he and miss NS getting closer and more intimate each day. . both of them are prefects,in the same sport house(gamma),both of them are also athletes. . .compared to me,i'm having a hell lot of differences with miss NS. . .i'm a trouble-maker,not an athlete(until i'm in second year senior - form 5) and i am in DELTA sporthouse. . hehe. ..up!up! delta!!furthermore,i had been suspended from school in my SPM year. .can u imagined that?!!haha. . .luckily i didnt being discarded from the school. .

then,in my effort trying to forget miss NS,i met a woman. . .hurmm. . .let me called her miss NF ok. .actually, during form 4,we combined our class with form 4 jaya for Islamic studies sessions. . .and,she sat besides me during those lessons. .gettinng sleepy in the class made me disturbed her. .i still remembered. . miss NF has a pencilcase,yellow in colour with a spongy red strawberry. . .i opened her pencilcase and started to take out her stationery. . .then,both of us started to quarrel. . hahaha. . .from the pencilcase incident,it continues of shoe fight!!actually we just stepping on each other shoes. . .lol~

there is one day that she sulking at me. . .i stepped on her new shoes. . urghh!!!so sorry miss NF. . i'm used to do it. . i'm really2 sorry. . .to show my repentance,i keep talking to her and trying to get close to her. . .(but she stepped me back ok. . .fair and square)

then,starting from there. . . .(to be continued)

-by the way,our batch name is the resurgence-


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