

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, April 25, 2011

chapter 3.5 (-.-)

hehe. . hye everyone. . .2day i'm gonna do something a little bit different from what i'm usually doing before. . 
let us begin this new post with chapter 3.5 ok. . (it's kinda freaky to have something going backward. . )

if i want,i will meet her everynight at her class room. . .but,the warden and the time factor limiting us from seeing each other. . .hehe. . luckily,letters exist to act as a medium for us to communicate. . thanks to whoever-had-created the letter!!thankz a lot!!

all of miss NF's letters i keep it in a box,yellow in colour with some decoration at it and i keep the box in my wardrobe. . frankly to say,the box is full and 'leaking'. . haha. . .but that is what i treasured the most after my parent,my sister and her(this included our memories too. .)

without me realizing it,we become couple. . .phewitt. . .we just keep a low profile about it. . .actually,before this i already asked her to be my girlfriend but she refused( i already ask her for many times already) . . then. . . . . . .

we officially become a couple at 1.41 am. . .she texted me and hell yeah!!i'm surprised to read the message. . . .then,i asked her,is it true??then she answered,'if u do not want to,nevermind'(of course,after being translated to english). . .
feeling afraid,i quickly say yes. . .hehe. . .only the God knowa how i felt that day. . .woa!!so happy and frankly to say. . .it was awesome!!i never felt as happy as that day. . .

time goes by and we become like belangkas. . .haha. . .i shared my problems with her and she shared hers. .
everynight before the preparation class ended,i will meet her at her class. . .talking with her make the time goes by like wind. . time passing by so fast and without the two of us realized,the preparation class ended. . .but,it didnt stop there. . .we will walked together to the cafe and at the cafe,we are separated(well,she's living in princess' dormitory and i am living in the prince's dormitory). . . .

eventhough we are always fighting(due to small matter and sometime BIG matter),we still try to improved ourselves. . . .hurmm. . . . .remembering those moments makes me smile. . .then,something happened. . .


we broke up at 11/1/2011. . . .before this i already asked her to leave me because it seems like we are not meant to be together. . .

uno : she is a good student and i'm not
due : she is hardworking and i'm a lazy person(does this included in the first one?)
tre : she comes from a rich family and i am not(for me,without money,how can i make her happy)
quattro : i still loved miss NS. . .but the i keep denying those feeling. . .

you must think that i'm a jerk right. . .(-.-)

then,on that date,we broke up and i can see her eyes getting red and swollen(imagination). . .urghh!!what the hell i'm thinking that time. . .when we already officially not a couple anymore,all the thoughts,all the memories rush into my mind. . . the moment we spent at the stair,all the things that we do together,all of them rushed into my mind. . .

_to be continued_

(maybe in backwards chapter??)
 owh. . before i forget,this is the poem that i promised . . .

The Pisces

Water flows through the river
As it flows through my eyes
They say a Pisces dreamer
Has lived other life

There’s something more there
I can see it clear
Not something you hold in your hand
The end of the flow
It ends with me in eternity

The poet and the dreamer
Creating Pisces flow
There is a world that we possess
The beautiful Land of Dream

There’s something vibrant there
Yes, I can see it clear
It is something you have in your heart
This is the end of the circle
It ended with me in eternity

When we are playing piano together
Sitting side by side
The happiness that I felt
Really make my days glow

Beyond just what you can see lies darkness
My life it changes with everything around me
Sometimes I need to get the hell out of here

If you are a soul in need
I will be your companion
If you need compassion
I will stand up like a rigid wall right by your side
I can tell you what others can’t tell
Yes, I can read your mind

As 1000 nights passed
I long to tell you
Hoping you to understand my feelings
It seems like impossible to be done
Saying ‘I love you’ to someone I love
Is the most beautiful thing in this world
Pisces belongs in another world in another time
Leo rules my hours
Devoted by your side
And maybe my days are numbered

The heart of the Pisces
Soul lives through time
Both of us in dire sadness
I hope you will still happy
Despite the absence of me


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