

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Saturday, April 23, 2011

first episode. . .

ehem2. . . .good afternoon everyone. . .just woke up from a deep sleep just now. . .before this,i already mentioned about her right. . .i think i wanna started the whole story again. . .starting from the first chapter. . .when i'm a form one student. . .

that day,i asked faiz for someone phone number. . .furthermore faiz is her classmate. . .by the way,if u want to know faiz,add him at fb ok. . .here's the link http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1152990838
now. . .get back to the story. . .hurmm. . .let call her miss NS ok. . .i still remembered the first message between both of us. . .actually it was me who started it first. .

hye,bleh berknln?? - hehe. . so childish and immature right. . .hey,i'm still 13~. . .if u dont understand about that phrase,it means that i want to know about her. . then we started to texting each other for a quite a long time. . .since then.my heart keep telling me that actually i'm falling in love. . .hehe. . .so funny right. . .

during all the time that we having our conversations by texting each other,it seems like both of us are really close. . .people also said that we will last forever. . .hehe. . .well,a form one student's way of thinking. . .let us continue. . 

then,5/9/2006. . .miss NS's birthday. . .i was so eager to celebrate her birthday~i bought a teddy bear,cadbury chocolate and a birthday wish card. . .i put all the presents at her chair. . .i think around 6o'clock in the morning. . .but, i also mentioned something that hard for me to forget it. . i asked who rain and fullhouse?????????

haha. . .we dont have astro channel back in those day. . .so that's why i dunno anything about all the korean drama. .

the same day 5/9/2006
after the class ended for the first session(1st session is from 7 to around 10.20 to 10.50). . . .then,during recess time, her friend,give something back to me. . something that i really recognize. . .the teddy bear. . .with a message. . 

i dont want this teddy bear,take it back or i throw it away. . .

hurmm. . actually. . . ony God knows how i felt. . . since that incident,i have a new name. . REJECTED. . 

ok. . .just forget it ok. . .but,we kept texting and calling each other until form 3(2008). . .
but,do u ever believe that we are not couple yet??hehe. .nevermind. . as long as i know that both of us looving each other. . hik!during my junior year(form 1 until form 3) we met anly for two times. .. hehe. . .so weird right. . .

then,something happen. . .urmm. . .how to say it huh??i didnt believe her. . .what i meant here is i dont trust her. . .what a foolish action right. . .i started a new relationship with my junior(one year younger than me). . just called her miss JN ok. . .

_to be continued_(-.-)


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