

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, April 29, 2011

chapter 6

hurmm. . I think this is the final chapter of my love story in the secondary school. .it's sad to think that this is the final chapter .. actually,there are lots of thing that I wanna share with all of you,but due to some personal matters,I cant share all of it in this blog. . .just let it be a secret to myself ok. . now,let us get started. . .

the final exam is around the corner (SPM). . .all of the teachers kept giving us lots of homework to ensure us didnt lose the momentum of study. . .this also make both of us getting busier. . .so,when we are hell lots of busier than normal,we hardly meet each other. . .then,I decided to study with her and she agreed. . .I was quite happy with that,but it aint for so long. . .suddenly,the wardens became active. . .I was nearly caught when we're are together. .hey,we arent doing anything. . we are studying ok. . hehe. . .luckily there are my friends that told me about the warden. . .

weeks passing by like wind and I didnt realised that we rarely meet each other. . .furthermore,our class is being separated according to our attitude. . .before we being divided into 'species', all of form 5 students being gathered inside the meeting room; bilik santubong. . .then,we wrote the name that we thought gonna disturb our studies. . .after a while,all of the voting event ended. . .few days later,the result comes out and my name goes to the fourth ranking!!so,it seems like i am the forth person out of my batch that they want to throw away? (-.-). . hehe. . actually, I am a naughty person,always being a trouble to my classmates, make all of the noise and playful. . that's why my SPM's result went bad. . .9A 1B. . I hate that B. . .hurmm. . .

now,back to the story. . 

I gave her room and spaces so that she can concentrate on her study. . .and I need some space too. . .so,we agreed to strive and try our best for the SPM. . .but,it cant be helped. . .I really miss her and we keep seeing each other although it was the exam season. . .eventhough we keep seeing each other,but we bring books and notes with us too. . hehe. . hey,it sad to remeber all those moment and i being thinking whether I should stop typing or not. . .hurmm. . I think I just continue. . .all the test passed by and without I realized,it is the Biology paper. . it was the last paper for her and the second last paper for me. . .before going to the examination hall,we studied together at the stair and around 30minutes before entering the examination hall,we walked our way to the canteen together. . .my mom already saw us from far and smiled. . .I asked her to sit with me and my mom. . .my sister also there too. . .but she refused.  .shy. . .hehe. . .CUTE!!!!

then,my mom asked me,is that your girlfriend?proudly say,yes!!then my little sister keep teasing me until I went into the examination hall. .at 4pm,the paper finished and we go to the class to pack our thing. . .we sit at the stair and she said that she will be going home at 4.30pm. . . .we had lots of conversation and without I realized, I cried. . .looking at the watch and counting the time left for us. . .we kept silent for a while and I hugged her during those final moment. . .it seems like the time went slowly on that day. . I asked her to do something. . .promised me that she will forget all the thing about me and study hard. . .there will be a man better than me. .. she refused and I asked her to keep quiet. . . .
'just promised me ok'. . . .she nodded and tell that she gonna study hard. . . .

then,I accompany her to her dormitory and I glazed upon her,seeing her for the last time and I made my way to my dorm. . .packing all my thing and wait for my parent to fetch me. . .in my room,I still texted her. . .my eyes are all swollen and red because of crying. . . .

around 7.30pm my parent arrived and I asked them to stopped by the class block. . .I took some picture. . .the stair and others. . . .after done with final photo shoot,I go to the cars and flew away. . . .away from the school. . .and left behind our sweet memories. . . . .

hurmm. .it seems like this is the end of story. . kinda sad thinking about it. . .so,that's my story. . .how bout yours??

thankz for all your support before this and thankz 4 reading too!!by the way,I cant post the picture that I took because of the privacy and I'm really2 sorry. . I just want to keep it as our memories . . .hope you will understand k!!

(-.-) ----->cannot miss this. . hehe. . 


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