

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


hurrayy!!!!precalculus test done!!drama just finished presenting it at lecture room 8. . . . hehe. . .so tired and yet so fun!!
me acting as the doctor. . .and other people acting as john, george. . .
and there is some more. ..aidel acting as the wife of george!!!!haha. . .
urghh!!currently i am so hungry . . . luckily there is my friend to 'belanja' me. . . .chicken grill!!!!!hahaha. . .

5.00p.m to 6.45p.m
we had our precalculus test at 5.00p.m. . although it was delay for a while,but alhamdullillah, i can answer the questions. . .but,there are some questions that i failed to answer it completely. . .urghh!!hate it so much!!

7.00p.m to 8.00p.m
preparing for the drama presentation. . .so nervous u know!!. . .making all the last minute preparation including the slides,the song. . .fuhh. . .so tired. . .

8.00p.m to 10.00p.m
warghh!!!!ikhtiar's group was awesome. . .i mean all the special effects. . hehe. . .but their acting isn't that bad. . .yet,it was impressive!!
our group was so hilarious until all the people in the class laughing!!especially,aidel's acting!!haha. . .

ok. .i think that's all for now!!must eat something now. . .chicken grill!!!yay!!


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