

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

hurmm. . .let us continue. . .

urghh!!tension!!hehe. . actually we are struggling on the portfolio for english. . luckily our english tutorial teacher, Mdm Stanee Tan Soon Ee is a really nice person. . .she give me time until this thursday to hand in the portfolio. . well, let us continue with the story ok. .

this is chapter 3.2. . . .hehe. . .

hurmm. . .where should i start?ok. . .after all the stepping drama and all the persuading and sulking part, we become a really good friend. . .by the way, I started to like her during the Islamic studies' class. . .but i still didnt confess to her. . .hey,she like somebody else during that time. . .just let me call him mr. NR ok. . .time goes by and one day i asked her whether she still like him or not. . .then she said no. .fuhh. . .what a relieve to hear something as good as that. . .for your information,mr. NR already moved to another school during this time. . .then we getting closer (me and miss NF) until everybody thought that we are couple. . hehe. . .actually,we havent been a couple but acting like a real couple. . .do u get what I meant or not??

(nodding head)

ok. . .it seems like all of you understand what i'm trying to say here. . .but,all the thought faded away when the MAC 2009 going on. . .

During the event,the boy students are allowed to visits the girl's dormitory and vice versa. .actually the event is to celebrate people whom excel during the examination. . it being carried on once a year. . .students from other school also came to our school during that event. . . that day, I want to ask miss NF to walk with me for the visiting tour. .

at first time, I cant see her anyway at the girl's dormitory. . .during that year,miss NF is staying at UKM. . . .a dorm that occupied by form 1,2, and 4 sigma and omega girls. . .by the way,miss NF is an omegarian. . .I asked her friends whether they seen her anywhere. . .the answer is negative. . .then,I tried to find her at her room (her junior, Dorafira yaya told me about her room number),but still I cant find her anywhere. . before that,if miss NF read this post, I'm really2 sorry because i sat on ur bed that day. . .hehehe. . .

after spending some time sitting there and go to other girl's dormitories, I decided to return back to my room because i'm extremely tired. . .but,something that really make me confuse and. .urghh!! i dunno what to say, came across me. . .it was miss NF and mr. NR walking together,like an actual couple,laughing and they look so harmonius (harmonius??shouldnt it be suits??)

I heard what are they talking about and it seems like miss NF really enjoy the time with mr. NR. .well, he is miss NF first love. . .it must be hard for her to forget him, same goes with me. . .i admitted that it hard for me to forget miss NS. .but,i tried to forget her (miss NS) and at least I have the effort right. . .miss NF already mentioned to me that she doesnt like mr. NR anymore because he cheated her last time. . .

I just passed by them and making a really innocent face,like nothing had happen. . .then, I reached UTM
and at there I went berserk!!the sofa, the chair, the table in UTM lounge scattered around because of me. . .I really dunno what made me become like that. ..if u had read the earlier post, u will know that i am a really calm person. . but that day,everything change. . .the incident didnt end there. . it continued to UUM: my dormitory, and two solid wood door went down because of my fist. . .but,strangely, I didnt felt anything. . maybe because anger had took controlled over me. . .but,frankly to say,the bone at my fist dislocated a bit. . .I cried, frustrated, all the feelings mixed around and without i realised I felt asleep after all those 'killing' spree. . .

The next day, my classmate realized the changes that occurred at me. . .I became a really quite person. . .besides, I also became an idle person. . . .I refuses to talk except being asked and I didnt meet miss NF for a while. . .I also send a letter to her asking her to stay away from me because during that time,I still really confused and frustrated. . .I cut my hand too. . .luckily the cut is not deep enough to make me faint due to loss of excess blood. . .do u want to know something?I borrowed scissor from her junior,grace gadung to cut myself. . haha. . .and she is the person that reprimand me about the dripping blood. . urghh!!

Tik! tok! tik! tok! tik! tok!

time goes by and I started to approached her after her bff told me about what happen to miss NF. . .by the way,if u dunno what is the meaning of bff, it stands for bestfriend forever. . .she said that miss NF always cried and really regretted about her action last time. . .this is based on what her bff told me. . .I tried to make the situation to improved, but the MAC incident still fresh in my mind. . it seems like it just happen yesterday. . . .

_to be continued_

(please stop making it moved backwards!!)
(can you please continue with chapter 4??!!)
(urghh!!now I get the point why the number of people viewing this blog keep increasing. .)

-by the way,if you think it's all miss NF's fault, please change your mind. . actually,it's all my fault. . it was I that dunno how to maintain our relationship. .she is innocent. . .-
-thankz 4 reading my blog ok-



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