

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Thursday, April 28, 2011

chapter 5. . .

wahh!!it's entering the fifth chapter already. . .before that,just wanna mentioned something,currently we are in the study week,so maybe in this two weeks or less,there is no new post added ok . . .but,i try to update something ok. . .and i will make sure the post is interesting!!

now. . let the story begin. . .

two weeks at home really made me bored. . .cant denied that I've being scolded by my parent during the first one and two days. . . .just let the disciplinary case that I have committed being a secret ok. .  then,I admitted that I really missed miss NF during those weeks of suspension. . .every night, I will read the letters that miss NF gave me. . .then,without I've realized, I cried. . .i waited patiently until the two weeks of suspension ended. . 

time goes by and the suffering moment ended. . .by the way,before I went home, I sent a letter to miss NF. . .asking her to forget about me. . .hey,I'm a bad person . . .I don't wanna ruin her future. . .I just want her to be happy with a man that suits her 100%. . .but that exactly not me. . .(o.o)

but, at school,it seems like she didnt care whether I'm around or not. . .everytime I passed her,she would just ignored me. . .I felt really frustrated that time because all this time I waited patiently for her and then she simply ignored me when I'm there. . 

after sometime, I sent her a letter;asking why did she behave like that. . .then she told me there are lots of spy wandering around to find any couple to being report to the warden. . .

owh. . ok. . .urghh!!so busybody laa~. . .hehe. . .

then, I threw away all my bad thoughts about her. . .time flew by and all the spying activities seems like already cools down. . .what a relieved. . then,we met at her class and talked as much as we can. . .she really missed me!!yay!!hehe. . .then,the bell rang, a sign that the preparation class for the evening session had ended. . .I accompany her to the cooperative and then to the cafe. . .after take our food,then we split up to our own dormitory. . .most everynight we are doing the same thing. . .sometimes,we studied together and I still remembered an incident happened during recess. . .during that time,both of us are having some conversation in her class. .then,by all of sudden,their class' teacher went into the class and started to talking about something. . suddenly,miss NF became quite. . .haha. . .hurmm. . really can't forget about that moment. . . .

hey, I think that's all for now. . .If I got time, I will continue my story ok. . .really2 sorry. . .currently we are having drama practice and as I mentioned in the earlier post,we are going to final. . yay!!but I am extremely tired right now. . .

so till then,daa~

- thankz 4 viewing my blog. . .by the way,when I published this post,my blog already being viewed about 400 times. . .so thankz 4 the support!!-
(0.0) ------>does this looks like a tired person??


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