

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Sunday, July 31, 2011

ngee. . . .first day fasting. .

peace upon to all of you!!hehe. . so, today is the beginning of August. . .bye2 July!!

well, as you all know, today we started our fasting month and with the God's will, we will celebrate Aidilfitri in the end of the month. . .so EXCITED!!!haha. . .

ok, now i want to tell you about my menu for sahur just now. . .twiggies bun ( vanilla flavour) and two liters of mineral waters!!haha. . .huh?do you think i'm lying?well, it is the truth. . .trying to lose some weight during this sacred month. . .LOL. . .by the way, I got some plans for the menu during break the fast. . .chicken alabama iced milo,

 or fried rice with fried chicken and hot tea, 

or fried noodles with eggs with iced rose milk. . .

hurmm. . .so EARLY huh. . xD
( really wish the food at UTP look like this )

ok. . . .my roommate got into some troubles. . .he lost the key of his car. . so, he can't go back to UTP and currently he is at KL( thank God ). . .hehe.  ..so, right now, both of the beds are mine!!all mine!!aahh. . .queen size bed is better than single bed. . .( smiling ). . .

hurmm. . .I think that's all for now. . .need a little bit of rest. . haven't gone to sleep yet since yesterday. . . hey, I'm afraid that I'm may not be able to wake up for sahur. . .tehee. . .


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