

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, July 1, 2011

trip to kuching (part 5)

fuhh. . it's the fifth part already and by the way,my fever,cough and flu,all of them are gone. . .not 100% gone,but,it is better than nothing right. . .ok,enough with all the sad stories,we move on to the story of the trip ok. . .=)

ok,in the previous post,i'e told you about the lunch at pullman hotel's ballroom right. . .what do you think?is it nice?frankly to say,it was AWESOME!!but,my suffering and forcing-my-stomach-to-eat havent ended yet. . hehe. . .after the award giving ceremony had ended (including the lunch part too),we headed straight too another hotel to check in and after all the process had been done,my father brought us to his friend's house. .i dont know what is his full name,but i think it is abdul razak something. . .haha. .my parent called him cikgu razak and as a younger person,i called him uncle razak . . .ok2. . .something impressive about him is he is so energetic despite of the dead of one of his son and his age. . .based on his appearance,he is around 50+ years old. .i really like one of his quote during the herbalife's mass party and ceremony in hong kong last year. .

'i stand here as a successful man here is because of my late son's who died in a car accident. i love him,we love him, and may he live happily in hereafter world. .'

him with my father. . looks pretty old huh. . .xD

ok. . .enough with the introduction and i'm really sorry because havent post anything lately. . so busy with all the activities being carried out here and right now,we are in the examination period. . .fuhh. . .

ok,during our trip with uncle razak and his family,most of the time, we eat. . .really lots of food. .haha. . .maybe that can explain why he is so healthy huh. . .haha. . .usually we will drink ordinary tea if we are at home. .but if u went to his home,there are no such thing. .lipton,boh . .negative. . u cant find it there. . .we being served with lemon-hibiscus extract-and more than 9 type of herbs-tea. . .LOL. . .the tea smells nice and it really cleanse inside of our body. .

then,inside his house we took some pictures and her it is. .

 from left : my mom, aaron aziz(what???!!!xD), and uncle razak's wife. . 

all of us in one picture. . .credit to their maid for the picture!!

ok. . then we continued our journey to tom yong goon (maybe). . it is a restaurant that consist of lots of authentic foods. .we ordered lots of foods but there is something that i really regret of. .i didnt take as much picture of food as i can. . .i only managed to take one of them. . .(sad mode)

looks delicious right. . .haha. . .LOL. . .not long after that,uncle nasir came with his family. .this time we going to the healthness center and this is for now. . .need to take a bath and having CoQ class after this. . bye!!



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