

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

fuuhh. . damn tired. . .

ok. . based on the title,u know what i'm gonna complaint right now huh. . xD. . .

first of all, i want to complain on my test. . .to be exact. . .programming test. . .it was sucks. . .horrible. . .bad. . .all i can say is. . .there is no good thing about the programming test today. . .maybe i missed something good,but as long as i can remember. . it was horrible and badly done. . i thought that it was an objective type of questions,then,to my surprise,it is subjective type questions. .there are 3 questions. . .20 marks for each questions and obviously there is no hope for me. . huarghh!!!

ok.  .the next reason that make me so 'happy' today is. . . . .

not really clear??are you sure??well. .let us take a closer look ok. . . .

haha.  ..that's it!!. . yeah. . my first summon letter!!yeah. . how can i be so happy with it huh??the 'crime' that i had done is. . 

TIDAK MEMBAWA KAD MATRIK. . .or in english. .


isnt that lovely. . . .?here. . take a peek will you?

this is the person that give me the 'holy' paper!!. . .yeah!!!i like it!!and for your information,i havent paid it yet. . LOL. . got no money right now laa. . .actually,i've been summoned at 29th june 2011. . haha. . .

ok. . next story. . .today (13/7/2011). . .my roommate asked for my help,and without any hesitation,i agree to help. . .first,he asked me to transfer the money that he keep with me to one of his friend account. . by the way,i am so damned tired before he asked for my help because of the hot weather and the exam. . .then,i embrace myself to go to the bank which took me nearly 20minutes to reach and bank-in the money. .i tried but the machine said that the transaction is not allowed. . .i tried for several more times and still the answer is the same. . .the transaction is not allowed. . .

then,he texted me and asked me to transfer the money to one of his friend account at cimb. . .by that time,i already reach my room and just finished with asar praying. .and guess what,he asked me to go to cimb,trying another account number. . yeah!!pretty damn tired huh. . .when i reached there,the machine said the account is invalid. .WTF!!after numerous number of try (haha. . kinda exaggerating there. . .),i called him and said that the account is invalid. . .by the way,did i mention that there is a man with a shotgun waiting at the cimb bank,looking at me and give a glare asking me to get out as soon as possible. .xD

thumbs up!!

lalala. . .oi. . ada mesej tok aie. . .sik dgr ka?. . .<----that's my message ringtone. .

he gave me another account number and this time,it is bank islam. . .for your information,bank islam is outside utp and may take nearly one hour to just go there. . .he told me that afiq will fetch me up. . fuhh. . .luckily. . .

at bank islam. . .

woahh!!there are lots of people there. .furthermore it is night market today and there are lot of things being sell here,especially shirts (??). . weird huh . .at miri,sarawak, there are lots of food being sell and not shirts and all those non-food-and-drink things. . .haha. . .then,there is some hope here. . .the machine accpet the money. . when i press PROCEED, the machine reject the money back. . 

urghh!!during this moment,i'm kinda pissed off u know. . havent eat my lunch. . just had couple of cans of green tea and a pack of chocolate bun . .that's all. . .i keep trying and getting frustrated. . .but,luckily at that time jacob texted me. .. he said,if the account also cannot being access,use his account,which of course , a cimb account!!!!


then,i quickly rushed to the motorcycle and unfortunately i'm lost and i'm completely forgot where did afiq parked his motorcycle. . .after nearly half and hour searching,i found it. . what a relieve. . .when i reached the cimb bank,i quickly try and poof!!


yeah!!finally. . . .after all the business done,i went to co-petro to buy green tea and some light snack ,wandering around,thinking on what i'm gonna post on my blog and here i am. . sitting infront of my laptop and preparing to click the button 




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