

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, May 2, 2011

_study mode_

hye!!it have been so long that i didnt update something here. . the connection here getting worse each day. . .so sorry for the technical problem ok. . .ok. . currently we are in the study week and this coming 5th may is our final exam for this semester. . and then at 10th may,i'll be back to my hometown. . .MIRI!!hehe. .missing miri so much. . maybe if I got time,I will go to bintulu to meet my friends. .and maybe if luck is by my side,I will meet miss NS and miss NF. . hey,there is nothing to be jealous off ok. . .we are just friend. . .by the way,I learnt something useful from one of my friend last night. .it was called the defending art ( i think so. . ). . eventhough it was painful,but it was awesome!!

hurmm. . what else??ok. . in this very right now,I am at the staircase,using other's dormitory connection.  .it is weird!!!!!why did the internet connestion for our dorm sucks??eyh. . .wrong spelling. . .CONNECTION ok~. . 
just now I ate two plate of fried rice and drank a big bottle of cold cola by myself. . .hehe. . .awesome right!!when I reached miri, I want to straighten my hair and go to saloon. .it has been long time that I didnt take a 'good' care of my hair. . .hurmm. . my hair's condition is really2 bad right now. . 

WHAT THE HELL WITH THIS MOSQUITOES??!!!urghh!!dush2!!!it seems like I am getting thinner because loss of so much blood right now. . .urghh!!!shuu. .shuu. .can u see i'm updating my blog now???urghh!!!daa~

(-.-) -----> really hate this but kinda miss it. . haha. . .thankz!!


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