

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Thursday, May 5, 2011

english test done!!

hye!!it has been long time that I didnt post something here. . .by the way,we had done our english test and the next paper is chemistry paper. . .the paper is on this saturday. . .weird huh. . haha. . but,currently my brain is in it's sleep mode. . haha. . but,I think I need to study  or else my marks will go down. . . .I meant really deep in the earth. . hahaha. . .

by the way,4 more days and it's my flight to miri. . yay!!haha. . missing miri so much!!there is a story that I want to tell u. . .I made a new friend. . .actually havent met her before this. . just get to know her from facebook. . .she is gwendelina bermas. . .hehe. . .so small yet adorable. . . .do u what I meant right. . .maybe when I reached miri,i'm gonna met her. . .just wait and see ok. . .haha. . .there is another person,but she is at kuching. . .her name is shanon. . .having a short hair and using red spectacles. . kinda seen her somwhere before. . .haha. . .but,I really I admitted that she is so cute. . .ok,the other person is ajunior. . .fromm south afrika. . .met him last night when I'm searching for some food at the petrol station. . .currently he is living at village 1 and planning to move to village 3. . .but,to my surprised,he is shorter than me. . haha. . if u read my blog,sorry ok ajunior!!

I just read a post in the foundation group just now,and the management of this university asking all of us who are living at village 6 must be ready to pack our things because we are moving. . .urghh!!hate it so much!!why do we need to moved huh??for me,village 6 is more than enough already. . urghh!!urghh!!!!!!!

ok,I think that's all for now. . .gonna study for a while first ok. . .til then,daa~


thankz 4 reading and viewing my blog ok!!if u want to comment on anything,just drop your comment ok. .tthhaannkkzz!!hehe. . 


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