

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Saturday, May 7, 2011

chemistry done too!!

yay!!chemistry paper done too!!fuhh. . it seems like a burden already being removed form my heart. . .haha. . ok. . tomorrow is precalculus test. . .urghh!!really hate this subject. . but,I really need to study and change my mind set right. . hehe. . .

by the way,I called shell scholarship department yesterday,asking about the scholarship interview that I had done earlier. . .then guess what. . .I got it!!hehe. . after I've being informed about the result,I called my mom. . she was so happy and she told all her siblings and grandpa about it. . .then,the next day,my father called. . .he called from thailand. . he got some business there. . business about herbalife. . I just assumed that you know about herbalife. . if u dunno,just google it ok!!hehe. . actually,it was the first time that I got scholarship in my whole life. . .but,the CGPA required for the scholarship is 3.0. . .what?!!fuhh. . nevermind. . just gonna work harder than before. . .I'm gonna prove it!!

today is 7th may and around 3 more days before my flight to miri. . hehe. . yay!!I really dunno what to do after this. . .my mom said that my sister already get thinner a bit. . actually i''m not gonna believe it. . .haha. . right now my sister is in form 1 at SMK Agama miri. . .

now. . .I think I got some plan to do at my hometown. . .13th may,gonna go to reunion for SK Agama miri batch 2000. .hehe. . we still hold the record for UPSR and until now,there is no any batch that break our record. . actually,we are quite surprised that the result havent been broken yet. . then,gonna go to work to gain some cash,bowling tournament,buy a DSLR camera,

maybe buy a new bowling ball with its bag. . .fuhh. . there's lots of thing to do. . .

ok,I think that's all for now. . .take care everyone!!and for all mothers in this world. . . . . . .

thank you mom!!
thank you readers!!



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