

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, May 16, 2011

haluu. . . . .

hehe. . hye everyone!!the time is 1.43 am 17/5/2011. . it has been long time that i havent post something here. . (is it true???). . haha. . .mind ur own business mind box!! =)

ok. . now,let us get started. . .actually when we are on our way to miri,we went to bintulu for a while to take a short break,searching for some food. . .but,something bad happened. . .first of all,we ate 'delicious' food,then get summoned by the BDA person I think,and the last is we took the longer route rather than the shorter route to miri. . . urghh!!that's why i am so tired right now. . 

ok. . enough with the sad stories. . .now,here is the happy story. . actually there are more than one happy story. . .do i need to put it in a list??haha. . .cut the crap. . .

ok,first. . .my right hand seems to gain it's function again. . .after the accident,i barely can use my right hand and my right hand was severely injured. . hurmm. . haha. . urghh. . still can feel the pain. . actually it's healing. .

second. . .this morning,my mom will accompany me to the saloon to make some hair makeover for me. . hehe. . yes!!if u had watched my boss my hero,u will see somebody named sakurakoji. . .that's the hair that i want!!hehe. . .hey,i'm in the university already ok. . .and i'm not any secondary student  anymore. . .hahahahahahahaha (evil laugh). . .

third. . .gonna go to mall today to do some shopping!!but the most important thing is NIKON D5100!!yay!!

ok. . .what else??hurmm. . . .haha. . i think that's all for now. . my right hand seems to be malfunction again. . haha.. just kidding.  .by the way,it seems like i'm gonna postpone the publishing of the pics of mine. . really2 sorry ok. . 

thankz 4 visiting!!

(-.-) -----> nearly forgot this thing. .haha. . 


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