

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

. . . . . .

hello. . .hye. . .actually,i need to talk about something here. . .actually it was nothing,but it kinda burdened my head lately. . .actually there is something that already happened here. . .but,it wasnt our faults. . .it was someone fault that made us dragged into his problem too. . .urghh!!!HATE IT SO MUCH!!

haha. . .FUCK OFF MAN!!don't pretend u r some kind of noble person huh!!creating a false statement and made us involved in your problem too!!urghh!!!

Can I kill him right now???????

HAHAHA!!i am not that insane to kill someone. . .but,sometimes I really want to do it u know. . .the killing part. . .hurm. . . r u nervous????


I'm still ok right now. . .but,he need to prepared for something. . well,he dragged us into his problem. . .that made us really made at him. . .if u r in my shoes right now, u will know how i feel,how we felt towards this fat guy!!

sorry because i talked behind about u. . i need something to release my tension. . .ok. . .i think that's all for now. . .can't think straightw right now. . .ok. . take care everyone. . .



------> thankz 4 reading. . .

Sunday, May 29, 2011

semester 2. .

hey. . .it was quite a while i havent post something here huh. . ok,well,there arent new story right now but we are quite busy right now with all the 'pendaftaran' and things that are related to study. .urgghh!!
moreover,right now,i am preparing the essay for the first class of English for the second semester. . .hehe. . the class havent started yet and we already have something to do. . plus,i think i will get a warning letter from the administration because i didnt attend the islamic study for thrice!!urghh!!i'm really2 tired of all of this. . actually,my body carry so much burden and that make me tired. . .ok. . what else??hurmm. . there is something that i need to express. . it's not about my feelings,but it is about something. . .urghh!!cant tell it here. . .so,i think that's all from me for now. . till then, daa. . .

haha. . does the picture related to this post??but.it's kinda cute huh. . .


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

hurmm. . . .extremely tired. . .

hye. . . .i'm really2 sorry because i havent post anything lately. . .so tired. . .just arrived from perlis just now. . .can't talk to much because my room is in mess right now. . .so,here's some photos. . .hope u enjoy. .

 i think that's all I can upload for now. . .the internet is so slow. .by the way,the trip was awesome but tiring. . . ok till then,daa~. . .


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

yes!!!hehe. . d5100. . . .

haha. . hye everybody!!. . .based on the title,u can guess what i'm gonna tell u right. . hehe. . .what??still can't guess anything??. . .hurmm. . .nikon. . . .d5100. . . 16.2mp. . . .hey~ it's DSLR man. . .haha. . .so happy. . 

now,wanna tell u something. . the story behind this DSLR. . hehe.  .should it be 'caps lock' everytime i wrote dslr??hahaha. . .actually,my parent brought me to the imperial mall just now to go for some windowshopping. . .then,we went to the shop; a camera shop and my mom asked me to choose which camera that I want. . haha. .yay!!can u imagined that??just choose!!then,I saw nikon d5100. . .standing there with might. . quickly i choose that golden box. . .the golden box which contain nikon d5100. . .hehehe. . still smiling. . I AM EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!

hurmm. . what else??owh. . ok. . .2morrow I am going to Sains Miri with my friend. . .then,maybe we will go for some 'outing'. . haha. .rarely used that word now. . .maybe i will take some photos 2morrow. . .hehe. . seems like i'm obsessed with photography now. . .

ok. . it seems like the time is so jealous with me. .i want to have a dinner with my family first ok. . any new news,i will post it. . .so sorry because there is no any new picture being uploaded lately. . .

thankz 4 viewing!!


Monday, May 16, 2011

haluu. . . . .

hehe. . hye everyone!!the time is 1.43 am 17/5/2011. . it has been long time that i havent post something here. . (is it true???). . haha. . .mind ur own business mind box!! =)

ok. . now,let us get started. . .actually when we are on our way to miri,we went to bintulu for a while to take a short break,searching for some food. . .but,something bad happened. . .first of all,we ate 'delicious' food,then get summoned by the BDA person I think,and the last is we took the longer route rather than the shorter route to miri. . . urghh!!that's why i am so tired right now. . 

ok. . enough with the sad stories. . .now,here is the happy story. . actually there are more than one happy story. . .do i need to put it in a list??haha. . .cut the crap. . .

ok,first. . .my right hand seems to gain it's function again. . .after the accident,i barely can use my right hand and my right hand was severely injured. . hurmm. . haha. . urghh. . still can feel the pain. . actually it's healing. .

second. . .this morning,my mom will accompany me to the saloon to make some hair makeover for me. . hehe. . yes!!if u had watched my boss my hero,u will see somebody named sakurakoji. . .that's the hair that i want!!hehe. . .hey,i'm in the university already ok. . .and i'm not any secondary student  anymore. . .hahahahahahahaha (evil laugh). . .

third. . .gonna go to mall today to do some shopping!!but the most important thing is NIKON D5100!!yay!!

ok. . .what else??hurmm. . . .haha. . i think that's all for now. . my right hand seems to be malfunction again. . haha.. just kidding.  .by the way,it seems like i'm gonna postpone the publishing of the pics of mine. . really2 sorry ok. . 

thankz 4 visiting!!

(-.-) -----> nearly forgot this thing. .haha. . 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

so sorry!!!but so happy!!

hey.  .i'm really2 sorry that I havent post anything lately . .there is no internet connection here. . .but,right now i'm using broadband. . . .ok,now,I wanna tell u something.  .before that,wanna wish wawa hamdan a very blast happy birthday!!

ok,now,back to the story. . .here is some of the notes or some sort like that - the story when I came to miri. . 


Around 1pm,take a bath. . .it was hot back then at banting. . fuhh. . hehe. . .after it all was done,we made our way to the airport. . we made it around 15 to 4pm,something like that. . .then,when we r checking in our luggage,one of my friend overlimit his luggage by 8 kg. . and yet,he need to pay 240 for the extra. . haha. . huh?me?i only pay 45 for the bag. . .it just weigh around 12.0kg. .  . .hehe. . .by the way,staying at his auntie’s house was awesome!!!if we are staying longer than usual,we gonna be fat. . haha. . .there are tons of food that they served. . . .perghh!!thumbs up!!

Now,it’s 4.30pm..going into the plane already!!yes!!miri!!here i come!!

Around 5 . .ahh. ..extremely bored!!what 2 do??the sit was to straight,my nose was runny,urghh!!hates it so much. .ahh. . food. . hehe. .
Miss. . . i would like to try pizza cheese and carbonated drink. .. cola would be just fine. .

6pm. .food finished. . sleep. . .

Around 8pm,arrived at miri and got sore in my ears. . .urghh!!ok. . got to go now. . .bye!!


8.30am.  .going out from the house. . going to my mom’s village. . .visiting my granpa there. . .gonna postpone my will to buy the camera first. . .hehe. . ok. ..till then,daa~

2.20pm. . .arrived at the food centre near selangau. .. having nasi campur as lunch was awesome. . .hurmm. . then,drink cold lime ice and boiled egg. . .so full. . hehe. . .by the way,bought big bottle of Tropicana twister and it was great!!

Around 5.  .reached mukah,.. . going to my mom’s sister’s house to take a break first. . ok,keep up to date ok. . .

Around 8 pm. . reached igan. . my mom’s village. . .the surrounding was still the same and most of the grandchildren are here. . .so,i think it will be the busiest day ever. . haha. . .ok,now,i think i need to go to take a bath first ok. . .till then,daa~


Haha. . there something i want to share with u . . actually i got involved in an accident. . .haha . .later on i will upload some pictures of me. .. the injured part. . .hehe. . please take a good care of urself ok.  ..by the way,just now,we just had majlis kesyukuran at my grandpa’s house. . .so full and decided to sleep early. . ok. . bye. . 

hehe. .so this is my story for this few days. . .for 11/5,there arent anything interesting that happened. . so that's it. ..so sorry and thank you!!


Monday, May 9, 2011

fuhh. . we arrived. . .

hey,I'm really sorry that I havent post something lately. . .by the way,our exam was done at 1200 today. . hehe. . the last paper was physics and it was quite easy. . .hurmm. . but I cant do it. . maybe my brain was damaged just now. . haha. . .now,I'm gonna tell u about what had happened this few days. . 

precalculus exam was awesome!!haha. . awesome like shit. . .(-.-) sorry for the uce of harsh word just now. . .but,for me,it was quite hard. . .it seems like I'm gonna flunk this sem. . .but I dont want!!!!!!!!!urghh!!!!

after the exam was done (precalculus),I just go straight to the common room doing some revision for the physics test. . .but,by all of sudden,my eyes 'heavy' .. haha. . .then,just go to sleep. . .

ok,currently we are at KL central. . .waiting for my friend's auntie to pick me up. . hurmm. . so sleepy.  .got to go ok. . take care!!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

chemistry done too!!

yay!!chemistry paper done too!!fuhh. . it seems like a burden already being removed form my heart. . .haha. . ok. . tomorrow is precalculus test. . .urghh!!really hate this subject. . but,I really need to study and change my mind set right. . hehe. . .

by the way,I called shell scholarship department yesterday,asking about the scholarship interview that I had done earlier. . .then guess what. . .I got it!!hehe. . after I've being informed about the result,I called my mom. . she was so happy and she told all her siblings and grandpa about it. . .then,the next day,my father called. . .he called from thailand. . he got some business there. . business about herbalife. . I just assumed that you know about herbalife. . if u dunno,just google it ok!!hehe. . actually,it was the first time that I got scholarship in my whole life. . .but,the CGPA required for the scholarship is 3.0. . .what?!!fuhh. . nevermind. . just gonna work harder than before. . .I'm gonna prove it!!

today is 7th may and around 3 more days before my flight to miri. . hehe. . yay!!I really dunno what to do after this. . .my mom said that my sister already get thinner a bit. . actually i''m not gonna believe it. . .haha. . right now my sister is in form 1 at SMK Agama miri. . .

now. . .I think I got some plan to do at my hometown. . .13th may,gonna go to reunion for SK Agama miri batch 2000. .hehe. . we still hold the record for UPSR and until now,there is no any batch that break our record. . actually,we are quite surprised that the result havent been broken yet. . then,gonna go to work to gain some cash,bowling tournament,buy a DSLR camera,

maybe buy a new bowling ball with its bag. . .fuhh. . there's lots of thing to do. . .

ok,I think that's all for now. . .take care everyone!!and for all mothers in this world. . . . . . .

thank you mom!!
thank you readers!!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

english test done!!

hye!!it has been long time that I didnt post something here. . .by the way,we had done our english test and the next paper is chemistry paper. . .the paper is on this saturday. . .weird huh. . haha. . but,currently my brain is in it's sleep mode. . haha. . but,I think I need to study  or else my marks will go down. . . .I meant really deep in the earth. . hahaha. . .

by the way,4 more days and it's my flight to miri. . yay!!haha. . missing miri so much!!there is a story that I want to tell u. . .I made a new friend. . .actually havent met her before this. . just get to know her from facebook. . .she is gwendelina bermas. . .hehe. . .so small yet adorable. . . .do u what I meant right. . .maybe when I reached miri,i'm gonna met her. . .just wait and see ok. . .haha. . .there is another person,but she is at kuching. . .her name is shanon. . .having a short hair and using red spectacles. . kinda seen her somwhere before. . .haha. . .but,I really I admitted that she is so cute. . .ok,the other person is ajunior. . .fromm south afrika. . .met him last night when I'm searching for some food at the petrol station. . .currently he is living at village 1 and planning to move to village 3. . .but,to my surprised,he is shorter than me. . haha. . if u read my blog,sorry ok ajunior!!

I just read a post in the foundation group just now,and the management of this university asking all of us who are living at village 6 must be ready to pack our things because we are moving. . .urghh!!hate it so much!!why do we need to moved huh??for me,village 6 is more than enough already. . urghh!!urghh!!!!!!!

ok,I think that's all for now. . .gonna study for a while first ok. . .til then,daa~


thankz 4 reading and viewing my blog ok!!if u want to comment on anything,just drop your comment ok. .tthhaannkkzz!!hehe. . 

Monday, May 2, 2011

_study mode_

hye!!it have been so long that i didnt update something here. . the connection here getting worse each day. . .so sorry for the technical problem ok. . .ok. . currently we are in the study week and this coming 5th may is our final exam for this semester. . and then at 10th may,i'll be back to my hometown. . .MIRI!!hehe. .missing miri so much. . maybe if I got time,I will go to bintulu to meet my friends. .and maybe if luck is by my side,I will meet miss NS and miss NF. . hey,there is nothing to be jealous off ok. . .we are just friend. . .by the way,I learnt something useful from one of my friend last night. .it was called the defending art ( i think so. . ). . eventhough it was painful,but it was awesome!!

hurmm. . what else??ok. . in this very right now,I am at the staircase,using other's dormitory connection.  .it is weird!!!!!why did the internet connestion for our dorm sucks??eyh. . .wrong spelling. . .CONNECTION ok~. . 
just now I ate two plate of fried rice and drank a big bottle of cold cola by myself. . .hehe. . .awesome right!!when I reached miri, I want to straighten my hair and go to saloon. .it has been long time that I didnt take a 'good' care of my hair. . .hurmm. . my hair's condition is really2 bad right now. . 

WHAT THE HELL WITH THIS MOSQUITOES??!!!urghh!!dush2!!!it seems like I am getting thinner because loss of so much blood right now. . .urghh!!!shuu. .shuu. .can u see i'm updating my blog now???urghh!!!daa~

(-.-) -----> really hate this but kinda miss it. . haha. . .thankz!!

thank you for visiting!



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