

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Sunday, July 31, 2011

ngee. . . .first day fasting. .

peace upon to all of you!!hehe. . so, today is the beginning of August. . .bye2 July!!

well, as you all know, today we started our fasting month and with the God's will, we will celebrate Aidilfitri in the end of the month. . .so EXCITED!!!haha. . .

ok, now i want to tell you about my menu for sahur just now. . .twiggies bun ( vanilla flavour) and two liters of mineral waters!!haha. . .huh?do you think i'm lying?well, it is the truth. . .trying to lose some weight during this sacred month. . .LOL. . .by the way, I got some plans for the menu during break the fast. . .chicken alabama iced milo,

 or fried rice with fried chicken and hot tea, 

or fried noodles with eggs with iced rose milk. . .

hurmm. . .so EARLY huh. . xD
( really wish the food at UTP look like this )

ok. . . .my roommate got into some troubles. . .he lost the key of his car. . so, he can't go back to UTP and currently he is at KL( thank God ). . .hehe.  ..so, right now, both of the beds are mine!!all mine!!aahh. . .queen size bed is better than single bed. . .( smiling ). . .

hurmm. . .I think that's all for now. . .need a little bit of rest. . haven't gone to sleep yet since yesterday. . . hey, I'm afraid that I'm may not be able to wake up for sahur. . .tehee. . .

Friday, July 29, 2011


hehe. . sounds nice right. . .for your information, I took japanase language as a second language in secondary school. . .but it is a history already ok. . no need to brag about it. . .=)

now, here is the main thing that I want to share with u here. . .ok, currently we in UTP especially as a foundation student are really busy with our study and in the September, we will have our final exam. .hurmm. . .by the way, I already bought the plane ticket and the plane is on 26th August. . .but the bad news about the ticket is on 5th September, I will going back to UTP. . .as I had mentioned before, the final exam started on September and guess what?. .the plane ticket is on the same date. . .haha. . .SHIT!!need to rebuy the ticket and change the date. . .urghh!!

yeah. . .it's about money. . .currently the problem about the accident that I had mentioned before is solved. . .fuhh. . what a relieved. . .but, there are some bad effect even the problem had been solved. . . .my camera gone, my friend's phone being sold without his will and both of us in a really deep debt. . . .so exaggerating. . .not that deep ok. . .we are not that crazy to borrow lots of money from somebody. . .

ok, next. . . .we just had our thinking skill test and english II test. . .ok, thinking skill test is awesomely done, english test is above the par only. . .hehe. . .well, eventhough the english test is an open book test, the test is still quite hard. . well, there is nothing that I can do because the test already being done and hopefully my mark going to be good. . . .

by the way, miss NF and I started to texting back. . .eventhough it is not good as before, but it is better than nothing right. . .actually, I'm trying to not text her because i'm afraid that I might disturb her. .yeah. . it seems like I'm disturbing her. .what can I do to fix this thing huh?I think there is no other solutions. . .maybe I just need to give up on her. . .maybe that I am not her type. . .=(

well, sorry because this post is quite short. . .really busy with the multiple intelligence's assignment, thinking skill assignment and the poster. . urghh!!so much things to do. . .ok. . see you then. . .sayounara!! 

Friday, July 22, 2011

different than others. . .

hurm. . .how should i say this?. .by the way, i am really sorry that i havent post anything lately and maybe i am too busy with all the assignment that need to be done. well, thank to Allah that our dancing class today being postponed to 30th july. .so I can get enough rest for today. .ok, I dont think that i will mentioned anything about Down To Earth project here. extremely tired and if i'm gonna tell you about it,it will be longer than my trip to kuching's story. . haha. . .LOL. . .hurmm. . I really dunno whether I should laugh or not despite of the current situation that experienced by me now. .

well, let's move on. .to anyone that read this post, I am really grateful and wanna say thank you because had supported me before this. .thanks a lot *sincere*. .xD. . .but, this post I dedicated to the one I love after my family.I didnt want to disturb your life anymore and as u can see, my existence in ur life really bring lots of bad memories and still,u love me with all ur heart. But, I am wrong here. .not that i want to denied that u r really good girl, had done lots of good deeds,no. .I really understand that u dont want the same thing happened again to you and i'm really sorry that i make u cried last time. . .

right now,my bed is in a mess,with all my clothes and a box.I just want u to know that the box that lying beside me is full of ur letters. I decided to keep all the letters and im sorry that i didnt hear to what u have told to me. .u ask me to get rid of all those stuff but I cant. .hurmm. . kinda weird right. . usually girls will post things like this into their blogs,but this time it is different. . .yeah2. .i know what u want to say. . .MAT JAMBU. . . .I dont care what r u trying to say, but right now i'm just realized that my face really look a little bit like a chinese guy. .=). .  .cashiers at the pump station petronas asked my roommate about me. .well,she told him where is the guy that look like chinese??

DAA. . . .

haha. . .urmm. . i think my story had completely changed. . .urghh!!back to the story. . .well, I really hope that u will success and found a better man than me. . .choose carefully ok. .think thrice before u make the decision. . .thanks for everything. . .saranghae. .my roommate keep playing this song in our room and I think this is the suitable song for current situation. . .dekat padamu by yusry KRU. . .

Dekat padamu..Arah ingin ku tuju..
Walaupun jauh..Akan ku tempuh..
Kerana hanya sunyi..Yang menemani hari..
Semenjak kau pergi membawa diri..

Oh dekat padamu..Di sana kan bersatu..
Dua jiwa..Yang telah terpisah..
Kesetiaan yang telah..Kita sama ikrarkan..
Ku pegang teguh..Janji ku kotakan..

Andai tersalah arah..Berikanku tanda..
Agar kau terima yang sebaiknya..
Jika cinta kita hanya sejarah lama..
Sudilah ku cuba kali kedua..

Walau jauh akan..Ku gegas berlari..
Walau tinggi bisa..Ku terbang di langit..
Walau sedalam mana..Akan ku selami..
Kerna cinta sedalam itu..Mekar bila ku dekat padamu..

Dekat padamu..Itu destinasiku..
Tak kira apa jua kan ku terima..
Harapan ku kan terbuka pintu di hatimu..
Dengan rela menunggu kehadiranku..

Andai tersalah arah..Berikanku tanda..
Agar kau terima yang sebaiknya..
Harapan mendorong ku mengusung cinta kita..
Janganlah dibalas rasa kecewa..

[Repeat chorus]

Oh dekat padamu..

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I don't know what to say

ok. . .right now,i'm in a really bi trouble and I dont want to share it here. .i just want to share some part of it. . .or,maybe not. . .urghh!!i dunno!!

fine. . it is like this. .actually2 days before i post this thing,i had some talk with miss N.F. .she said that everytime i have problem,i can share it with her. .so,during that night,i told her the prblems i'm facing right now,and bla bla bla. . .then,she asked me to do as what like she said. . then the call lasted for around 20minutes plus. . 
----> it will be longer if aidel don't come. . urghh!!

then,i ended the call. ..after that,aidel and i having some conversation about the problems both of us are facing. . it's not much . . .just enough to make us worried. .hahaha. . it's not much right.  .well,just let us and whoever involved in this thing know about it. . .

what am i'm doing right now??posting something nonsense here. . .maybe it is because i'm missing her so much right now. . .well,living as a single person for nearly 6 months is bad u know. . extremley bad. . extremely sucks. . .well,i told miss N.F that maybe we can get back together. . yeah,i know. . all of it it was my mistake. . .didnt believe in long distance relationship. .i also believe that long-distance-relationship-wont-work is a true fact u know. . well,i guessed this is the end of the story right. . she said that she is afraid that the past things will came again and she will be sad again. . .hurmm. . .well,i cant do much about it. . just let by gone,be by gone. .

i think i need to suit up!!hehe. . which means,i need to change. . before this i said to her that i want to be engaged with somebody at bintulu. .i dunno whether she understand it or not. .well,she is from bintulu la weii. .haha. . 

hurmm. . .

well,i'm really sorry because this post is not that nice and frankly to say,my life is quite miserable right now. .well,in the next post,i will share to u about DTE. . down to earth project. .


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

fuuhh. . damn tired. . .

ok. . based on the title,u know what i'm gonna complaint right now huh. . xD. . .

first of all, i want to complain on my test. . .to be exact. . .programming test. . .it was sucks. . .horrible. . .bad. . .all i can say is. . .there is no good thing about the programming test today. . .maybe i missed something good,but as long as i can remember. . it was horrible and badly done. . i thought that it was an objective type of questions,then,to my surprise,it is subjective type questions. .there are 3 questions. . .20 marks for each questions and obviously there is no hope for me. . huarghh!!!

ok.  .the next reason that make me so 'happy' today is. . . . .

not really clear??are you sure??well. .let us take a closer look ok. . . .

haha.  ..that's it!!. . yeah. . my first summon letter!!yeah. . how can i be so happy with it huh??the 'crime' that i had done is. . 

TIDAK MEMBAWA KAD MATRIK. . .or in english. .


isnt that lovely. . . .?here. . take a peek will you?

this is the person that give me the 'holy' paper!!. . .yeah!!!i like it!!and for your information,i havent paid it yet. . LOL. . got no money right now laa. . .actually,i've been summoned at 29th june 2011. . haha. . .

ok. . next story. . .today (13/7/2011). . .my roommate asked for my help,and without any hesitation,i agree to help. . .first,he asked me to transfer the money that he keep with me to one of his friend account. . by the way,i am so damned tired before he asked for my help because of the hot weather and the exam. . .then,i embrace myself to go to the bank which took me nearly 20minutes to reach and bank-in the money. .i tried but the machine said that the transaction is not allowed. . .i tried for several more times and still the answer is the same. . .the transaction is not allowed. . .

then,he texted me and asked me to transfer the money to one of his friend account at cimb. . .by that time,i already reach my room and just finished with asar praying. .and guess what,he asked me to go to cimb,trying another account number. . yeah!!pretty damn tired huh. . .when i reached there,the machine said the account is invalid. .WTF!!after numerous number of try (haha. . kinda exaggerating there. . .),i called him and said that the account is invalid. . .by the way,did i mention that there is a man with a shotgun waiting at the cimb bank,looking at me and give a glare asking me to get out as soon as possible. .xD

thumbs up!!

lalala. . .oi. . ada mesej tok aie. . .sik dgr ka?. . .<----that's my message ringtone. .

he gave me another account number and this time,it is bank islam. . .for your information,bank islam is outside utp and may take nearly one hour to just go there. . .he told me that afiq will fetch me up. . fuhh. . .luckily. . .

at bank islam. . .

woahh!!there are lots of people there. .furthermore it is night market today and there are lot of things being sell here,especially shirts (??). . weird huh . .at miri,sarawak, there are lots of food being sell and not shirts and all those non-food-and-drink things. . .haha. . .then,there is some hope here. . .the machine accpet the money. . when i press PROCEED, the machine reject the money back. . 

urghh!!during this moment,i'm kinda pissed off u know. . havent eat my lunch. . just had couple of cans of green tea and a pack of chocolate bun . .that's all. . .i keep trying and getting frustrated. . .but,luckily at that time jacob texted me. .. he said,if the account also cannot being access,use his account,which of course , a cimb account!!!!


then,i quickly rushed to the motorcycle and unfortunately i'm lost and i'm completely forgot where did afiq parked his motorcycle. . .after nearly half and hour searching,i found it. . what a relieve. . .when i reached the cimb bank,i quickly try and poof!!


yeah!!finally. . . .after all the business done,i went to co-petro to buy green tea and some light snack ,wandering around,thinking on what i'm gonna post on my blog and here i am. . sitting infront of my laptop and preparing to click the button 



Wednesday, July 6, 2011

trip to kuching (part 6)

ok. . .hello there. . .i'm really2 sorry because,well. . as u know,i havent post something lately because i am quite busy with exam rigth now. . .ok. .currently,i am alone in my room. . .why?most of UTPrians already gone back home. . yeah. . .it's semester break u know. . .wake up at 2am and damn it!!so hungry. .haha. . LOL. . .ok,lets get started will you!!xD

when we are done at the healthness center,we then continued our journey with uncle nasir's family. . .we going for some late supper(does eating noodles, satay,roti canai,all those heavy stuff considered as supper???). . .going there by their car. . .actually it is not a car,but it is an mpv. . .

then,let's get it started!!

ok. . .not this. . this is the car that being used by us,not their mpv. . dunno where is the picture. . .but,there something that is. . . . . . . . . . . . .

EXTREMELY ADORABLE!!!haha. . LOL. . .if u think this is adorable,why dont u take a peek for the next pictures??

i really dont remember what is HIS name. . .haha. . .if i want to make an early conclusion,as long as it is HIS,so they are adorable. . .how about me????xD

the next picture is his siblings. . .biggest brother,smallest him,and bigger brother. . .LOL. . 

ok,enough with all the talks about them. . .know,i know all of u r hungry. . well,me too. . .havent eaten since this morning. . .just ate ice jagong maa. . . .haha. . .come on shall we. .

haha. . ok. . everytime u go to a cafe or restaurant,they will give u the menu right. . well,here it is!!well,what should we order??how about some chicken grill???

or maybe something lighter??how about finely toasted bread??xD
(damn. . .so hungry)

this one is awesome u know!!nice and cold,thick,horlicks!!

hey,where are others pictures????hahaha. . really2 sorry. . .forgot to take other pictures because the foods are so irresistible and without us realizing it,done!!finished!!haha. . .

ok. . .so,that is the story of trip to kuching. . .sorry if it is boring and maybe u will hate it,but this is my first time going back to sarawak for around 6 months!!xD. . but,there is something that i really dont remember to do. .actually to eat. . mee kolok!!!!NOOOOO~

---> hope you enjoy it ok!!
---> well,there is no trip to kuching (part 7) because the going-back-to-utp-trip is almost the same just it is vice versa. . LOL. . .


Friday, July 1, 2011

trip to kuching (part 5)

fuhh. . it's the fifth part already and by the way,my fever,cough and flu,all of them are gone. . .not 100% gone,but,it is better than nothing right. . .ok,enough with all the sad stories,we move on to the story of the trip ok. . .=)

ok,in the previous post,i'e told you about the lunch at pullman hotel's ballroom right. . .what do you think?is it nice?frankly to say,it was AWESOME!!but,my suffering and forcing-my-stomach-to-eat havent ended yet. . hehe. . .after the award giving ceremony had ended (including the lunch part too),we headed straight too another hotel to check in and after all the process had been done,my father brought us to his friend's house. .i dont know what is his full name,but i think it is abdul razak something. . .haha. .my parent called him cikgu razak and as a younger person,i called him uncle razak . . .ok2. . .something impressive about him is he is so energetic despite of the dead of one of his son and his age. . .based on his appearance,he is around 50+ years old. .i really like one of his quote during the herbalife's mass party and ceremony in hong kong last year. .

'i stand here as a successful man here is because of my late son's who died in a car accident. i love him,we love him, and may he live happily in hereafter world. .'

him with my father. . looks pretty old huh. . .xD

ok. . .enough with the introduction and i'm really sorry because havent post anything lately. . so busy with all the activities being carried out here and right now,we are in the examination period. . .fuhh. . .

ok,during our trip with uncle razak and his family,most of the time, we eat. . .really lots of food. .haha. . .maybe that can explain why he is so healthy huh. . .haha. . .usually we will drink ordinary tea if we are at home. .but if u went to his home,there are no such thing. .lipton,boh . .negative. . u cant find it there. . .we being served with lemon-hibiscus extract-and more than 9 type of herbs-tea. . .LOL. . .the tea smells nice and it really cleanse inside of our body. .

then,inside his house we took some pictures and her it is. .

 from left : my mom, aaron aziz(what???!!!xD), and uncle razak's wife. . 

all of us in one picture. . .credit to their maid for the picture!!

ok. . then we continued our journey to tom yong goon (maybe). . it is a restaurant that consist of lots of authentic foods. .we ordered lots of foods but there is something that i really regret of. .i didnt take as much picture of food as i can. . .i only managed to take one of them. . .(sad mode)

looks delicious right. . .haha. . .LOL. . .not long after that,uncle nasir came with his family. .this time we going to the healthness center and this is for now. . .need to take a bath and having CoQ class after this. . bye!!


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