

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, June 3, 2011

hates it!!

urghh!!no more late-sleeping after this. . .SHIT!!because of it,i'm having nightmare last night. .what the fuck with this nightmare??!!
it's kinda ridiculous to have a nightmare that bad,and that illogical!!urghh!!SHIT!!SHIT!!SHIT!!

actually,this is the nightmare that I had last night. .i hate it so much!!
urmm. . where should i start??
during this very B E A utiful morning,i've gone to sleep at around 6 o'clock am. . .kinda late huh. . .then,when fall into sleep,suddenly i saw myself was in my school. . .my previous school. . .when having some chitchat with one of my friend,we decided to make a tour around the dormitory. . .ehem2. . .only the boy's dorms ok. . .i'm not that pervert. . .haha . . .LOL. . .

back to the story. . .when we are still in the middle of conversation,by all of sudden,the security guard is chasing over us and we are start running until i realized that only me that was running. . .others had gone. . .when i take a peek behind me, i saw the security guard chase me  in a kinda weird movement. . .without i'm realizing it,he had changed into HULK!!not just an ordinary hulk,but a zombie hulk. . and he is extremely fast!!like a zombie in the left 4 dead game. . .urghh!!adrenaline pumps in my body and i started to run faster. . .i run like i never had before!!moreover,he is spitting some acidic juice from his mouth!!can u imagined that????????

he keep spitting those gross juice from his mouth and. . urghh!!really2 tired when try to run away from him. . .then,i entered my dorm and trying to make a u turn from there. . .but,by all of sudden,my legs tremble and it seems like my leg didnt want to hear my instruction. . 'keep running u fool!!'

time goes by and the zombie hulk getting nearer. . .trying to keep his attention away from me,i try to run under the staircase and in a zig zag move. .but it seems like there is no use at all. . .he reached out his hand and BAM!!i woke up from my sleep. . .urghh!!shit!!that nightmare is the worst i had ever met. . .LOL. . 

done. . enough with the story and now i want to read a comic that really got my interest into. . .what is the title huh?urmm. . .wait for a while ok. . 

aa. . here it is. . .kyou kara ore wa!!hehe. . .and here's the link

ok. . .till then,daa. . . .thankz for ur time reading this stupid story of mine. . haha. . .



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