

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Sunday, April 24, 2011

wahh!!entering new chapter. . .

hehe. . .thanks 4 visiting and read my blog and whatever that i post here. . .thanks a lot. .well,here we are,the fourth chapter. . .before i continued,any part of this blog(especially my story) cannot be published in any type of media;e.g novel,movie,drama e.t.c. . . .hehe. . .well,this is my story and i dont want any third party to use it ok. . . .

here we go. . .

then,starting from there i'm getting close to her. . .getting more intimate. . .miss NF really love cold green tea. . .any brand would do. . .but for me i prefer yeos. . there is something that i wanna tell u about this 'green tea'. . . .actually,before this i loved drinking soy milk;yeos brand too because contain less sugar. . .i'm started to drink soy milk when i'm fall in love with miss NS. . .hehe. . . 

now,let us get back to the story. . .i bought her chocolate,green tea drink,sweets. . .just to persuade miss NF. . .after sometime,she finally not sulking anymore. . .time goes by,and we become best friend. . .actually,miss NF is a person that easy to forgive people,but hard to forgive something that makes her heart break. . .u get what i meant right. .other than hurting her feeling,she is a noble person. . .hey,that's my own opinion ok . .

27/01/2009 (a month before miss NF's birthday)
we texted each other. . .if i'm not mistaken,we are spending the night at our own houses. . .without me realizing it,i fallen in love with her. . .
7.40p.m - i told her that i loved her. . .(by text of course). . i still do not have the courage to tell her verbally. . . .then,she seems to be surprised. . .
7.41p.m - uh?what are u saying? (after being translated to english)
then i repeat my statement back. . .i love her. . .but,she replied in a really innocent way. . hehe. . so cute!!
she thought that i'm still in love with miss NS. . .to be true,during that time,i'm still love miss NS. . .but the feeling is fading away. . .to get rid of miss NS from my mind,i try to love someone else. . the unlucky person is miss NF. . i'm really2 sorry to involve u in this matter. . .but i'm really want to thank -you- for helping me to forget miss NS. . .

days goes by,and we started to love each other. . eventhough i am a troublemaker and miss NF is a really good student (well,in teachers' eyes,she is a really good student),but she always loves me and the love getting stronger each time passes by. .everytime my name being announce by the warden,she will give me a letter. . .keep advising me to repent. . .but,i am so fool,keep repeating the same mistake. . .until one day,i received a letter from the school saying that i'm gonna be suspended from the school for couple of weeks. . .

before i'm being suspended,i bought her something. . .a flip flap flower. . .i told her,if she missed me,just look at the flower. . .i hope she still keep it. . .although it is a cheap thing,but i really hope that she take a good care of it. . .i also give her a poem that i created at 18th october 2010. . .i asked one of the school magazine's crew to put my poem to the school magazine for 2010 edition. . .but,it seems like they forgot about it. . .urghh!!forget it. . .before i'm leaving the school,she send me a letter that until now i still kept it. . .

actually,everytime she send me a letter,she would asked me to throw it away. .if miss NF is reading this blog,i'm sorry because i didnt listen to your words. . frankly to say,i still keep all the letter,the food wrapper (sweets),empty drink cans that u give me. . .i dont want to throw it away because it is our memories. . .

_to be continued_

(what?!!please. . . .continue your story. . .please3!!)  (o.o)

-for the next post, i will included the poem too. . .the title is the pisces-
-thanks everyone that read my blog. . .when this post being published,my blog already being viewed 211 times. . .ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!


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