

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, April 22, 2011


surprised right. . hehe. . actually i learnt japanase as second language for five years. . .during secondary school time. . .really missed that moment. . .starting from 1 ikhlas. . .2 iltizam. . .3 iltizam. . .4 itizam. . .and finally 5 iltizam. . .hurmm. . .
actually, i dont have any idea to write right now. . .just wanna share something with all of u. . 

today is the first day she messaged me. .actually i dunno who messaged me because i didnt keep her number in the first place. . .furthermore she is using Digi during that time. . .and i'm using Celcom. . so i just ignored her. . then,my life just goes on. . 

this is the day that i started to texting her. . actually i exchanged my calculator with her without her acknowledgement. .then at 5.40p.m. i texted her. .3minutes later,she replied. . hehe. . actually it is a quite fun experienced. . .hurmm. .let us continue. . 

4days later
she texted me and saying that my calculator fell. . hurmm. . so clumsy. . .haha. . .then i asked. .where did my calculator fell?
she just saying 'gugok lam lubng jamban..haha!!..xda la..gugok rh lantey la..'
haha. . .it means that my calculator fell into the toilet. . but,the truth is my calculator just fell  onto the floor. . .huhuhu. .

i got a new number and a new phone. . .the first person i texted after i got the number was you. . .then u asked me,is it ur new phone number?actually i bought the Digi number to make our texting-process become easier. . hehe. . .what a lame word. . .for your acknoledgement,i use my Digi number just for communicating with you. . 


10.14p.m- fila,kta g myry sok..awl pg.
10.15p.m- aih..soe.slh send.hik!

hehe. . .she wrongly send the message. . actually she send the message to her friend . . .but accidentally send it to me. . .haha. . .

hurmm. . .so happy!!this is the first day that she send me her pic. . so beautiful!!then i tried to send mine,but i dont know how. .haha. . then today is the day where i know how to send pic to her. . thanks a lot!!

- i think that's all for now. . .actually there are lots more      about us. . .but,didnt have time to do it. . .ok. . till then . .daa~. . .



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