

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Monday, April 25, 2011

a different post~

fuhh!!so scared. .just now we went to restaurant al-bayan to have some late supper. . .now,this is not the real story. .here is the real one. . .

everything went smoothly. . .borrowing a yamaha 135LC from one of my friend. . .drive the motorcycle past the security post,all went smoothly. . .until,we drived the bike out of UTP. . .

we met a really nice traffic officer who made us creeps for a while because we met a roadblock just now!!hehe. .  .luckily he is a nice guy. . .one more thing,'thanks a lot' to the owner of the bike because didnt put the P sticker on ur bike. . .hehe. . but,it seems like luck is on our side. .. the officer let us passed and we're safe. . .yay!!

then,we continued our journey to find some food to eat!!hehe. . .ikhtiar ate chicken rice and I ate roti canai;2 plate of it. . wau!!that's why i'm getting fatter each day. . .

not that fat ok. . .but,frankly to say,my cheek getting more chubby everyday. . .if u had viewed my blog before this,u can see the differences right. . . .urghh!!or do i look like this??

urghh!!can't stop thinking about it. . .hehe. . .i think that's all for now. . .maybe in the next post i will continue about the story ok. . just keep up-to-date ok. . bye!!

(where's the story??)
(do u think this blog is boring??hell no!!it's awesome!!)
(keep it up!!)

_by the way. . .i'm going back to my hometown(miri) this upcoming holiday. . .using flight 10/5 at 4.30p.m_

ok. . till then. . daa~(can't stop thinking about getting chubbier. . urghh!!)


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