

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

cun saja by sleeq. . .(and some other problems)

hey!!actually i'm just listened to a malay song that really gain my interest. . .the title is cun saja by sleeq. . .here's the lyric and for the song,find it yourself ok!!dont be to lazy. . .urghh!!enjoy and good luck for finding the song!!

Lagu ini bukan di radio setiap hari untukmu
Lagu ini tidak perlu kau kembali kepadaku
Lagu ini hanya ingin kau fahami ku sudah teruskan hidupku
Semuanya cun saja

Tak perlu tinggalkan pesanan
Tak perlu buat panggilan
Ku tak perlu lagi kalau kau cuba mintak maaf
Lupakan sahaja
Diriku cun saja

Duduk di rumah seorang saja
Menulis lagu cinta
Menggunakan kisah ini tuk ceritakan


Cun hidupku kini cun saja
Sejak kita memang cun semuanya
Sejak pisah itulah permulaannya untukku berhati-hati dgn buaya
Ngap ngap pendirianku tegap
Jumlah kali kita bertengkar memang genap
Untuk aku ke tahap ini silap kita memang patut sama-sama kene sepak pak pak
Tapi bukan niat aku tuk salahkan dirimu
Aku sedar ku juga ada kekuranganku
Tapi kalau bersifat mementingkan diri sendiri untuk kebaikkan bukan kurang ajar itu

Duduk di rumah seorang saja
Mengarang lagu cinta
Dengan mengembalikan kisah kitakan tapi jangan perasaan

Walaupun ini bab yang baru ada masa arah ku tak tentu
Tetap rindu kehadiranmu, tidak patut
Kerna ku takut


Lagu ini,
Tandanya kamu masih sayangkan ku
Walaupun sudah tidak bersama lagi

Lagu ini,
Tandanya ku masih rindukanmu
Walaupun sudah tidak bersama lagi

Lagu ini,
Dengan lagu ini ku ingin memberitahu kamu bahawaku okay
Aku okay

Lagu ini,
Dengan lagu ini ku ingin memberitahu kamu jangan cakap tak boleh


currently i'm doing my assignment for chemistry and havent done anything yet since 2 o'clock!!(2a.m. of course). . .urghh!!trying to find the solution in the internet and negative~no answer. .. most of the solutions are using percentage in the questions. . but in the assignment,it is not!!

if u want to know the question,just continue reading. . .if u don't want,just throw your sight away from this blog ok!!hehe. . .here's the question. . 

1. A compound of Ca, C, N, and S was subjected to quantitative analysis and molar mass determination, and the following data were obtained. A 0.250-g sample was mixed with Na2CO3 to convert all the Ca to 0.160g of CaC03. A o.115-g sample of the compound was carried through a series of reaction until all of its S was changed to 0.344g of BaSO4. A 0.712-g sample was processed to liberate all of its N as NH3 was obtained. Determine the empirical formula of this compound.

how's that??anyone got the idea on how to solve it??by the way,where did the bariu comes from??from the reaction??then do we need to know what type of the reaction occured??then suddenly we obtained NH3 at the end process. . .urghh!!somebody,someone, or something~can u please help me??


( there are 4 question of it. . .each of them are different. . .in the structure of the questions,the topic,everything!!)

in the next post,it will be the last chapter for the story of my life. . .to anyone whom this is your first time viewing my blog,just go through the previous posts and you will know what am I talking bout. . .but,sorry if I made you headache for the 'flashback' episode. . . .hehe. . .


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