

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, April 29, 2011

so tired last night. . .

hey. . .I'm really2 sorry because i didnt post something last night. . .really2 tired due to the drama festival last night. . .although the event was started late,but overall the event was awesome!!by the way, I also taking part in the event. . .I am a doctor and I'm in-charge for the presentation of slide for our group. . .

for me,our group is the best!!but the truth is the best group is the first group. . .hurmm. . . .it seems like there are more prepared than us. . .all the lightning and performance was awesome although there are some people becaome 'bapok'. . .haha. . .it seems like they are 'bapok' ------->truely 'bapok'. . .

urghh!!how can it be like that??huhuhu. . enough with all those nonsense stuff. . .there are all six or seven group performed their drama yesterday. . .and all the performances ended nearly at twelve. . .after all the drama had ended,there are some dance performance being carried on. . .there are Thailand dance,Malay dance (I think it was zapin) and Indian dance. . the dance all are awesome. . .especially the Thailand dance. . .hehe. . .one of my friend is performing too in the thailand dance. . .it looks like Ong Bak. . hehe. . 

hurmm. . .I think that's all for now. . .if I got time,I will post something else ok. . .by the way,this is the link for the pics that one of my friend took last night. . the other friend still didnt upload his pics yet. . i dont know why. . .just click here ok ---->http://www.facebook.com/media/set/fbx/?set=a.1695173223219.2084465.1354491728

ok. . til then,daa~

(thankz 4  viewing my blog ok!!)


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