

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Saturday, April 23, 2011

the next chapter~

uhuk2. . . .flu. . . .ok. . .let us continue. . .

Miss JN and me having relationship. . in the same time,i love miss NS too. . .than usually we will date at the stair. . huhu. . .so weird huh. . .actually i didnt have any feeling toward miss JN. .this is how the story between miss JN and me. . .

that night,when i'm in form 2,and miss JN is in form 1,my classroom is at the first floor while miss JN's class is at ground floor. . . that night,i went downstair to borrow her file. .in that file contain lots of lyrics. . .that time,i am so sleepy and decided to sing. . .so,i went down and borrow her file. . 

after some singing(hahaha. . .),i go back to her class and return the file. . .but i'm still sleepy and i didnt realized what just i mentioned to her. . i said that i like her!!haha. . .remembering those moments makes me smile for sometimes. . 

then,the preparation class ended and i went back to my dorm. . one of my roommates give me something when i landed my body to the bed. . .a letter!!from miss JN. . huhuhu. . .she said that is it true that i liked her???actually,it is not only that. . .but lots more. .hey,i'm not gonna mention all of it right. . .i replied back using a new paper and said i liked her since the first day she entered the school. . .during that time,i didnt trust miss NS. . i thought that miss NS didnt like me seriously. . .

the next preparation class,i got a new letter from miss JN. . .then we started to texting each other besides sending letters to each other. . .after some time,we didnt realized that we love each other. . well, cinta monyet la katakan. . . .we always meet at the stair and foolishly i'm hoping that miss NS will found us. . .but,unfortunately no. . .u must be wondering why i want miss NS to see both of us dating right. . .i just want her to found out about the scandal between me and miss JN so that i can persuade her in case she is sulking. . . .but,it went all the way around. . .

i gave miss NS a mug. . .with some decorations on it,made by myself. . .i still remembered about the mug. . .let me tell u something about the mug. .it's blue in colour. . .there are some writing on it. . .kitty <3 tiramisu. . .kitty is miss NS and tiramisu is me. . .well,miss NS has a cat-like face. . .miau2!!huhu. . .besides,i also wrote "hope our relationship lasts till the Death separate us". . . .when i gave her the mug(i put it on her table),her friend said that she even sleep with the mug. . .huhu. . .so cute!!

then,the book kantoi. . . .actually the book is a medium for miss JN and me to communicate. . replacing letters. . .miss NS read all the contain inside the book and she went berserk. . .she smashed the mug i gave to her to the floor (during afternoon preparation class). . .i know about this thing when one of my friend told me about it. . .add him ok. . .this is the link. .http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000467684729 . . .then,my heart seems to stop beating. . .i went to her class and seeing that she is crying. . .i made my decision not to persuade her for while,until her anger cools down. . .

time goes by and we broke up(miss JN and i-our relationship last for around a year). . .i want to concentrate on my study for PMR. . .after the PMR ended,my school is having a programme. . PASCA PMR. . .it is a programme for the PMR leavers. . then,i saw something that really made me jealous. . .miss NS happily with other guy. . .he is one of my friend too. . .than,i went wild and got frustrated. . .as a proof, i have a scar on my left leg. . hurmm. . .it is due to a metal that fixed to the ground. . .it hit my leg during that night. . .

seconds,minutes,hours,days,weeks passed by. . .i asked him to take care of her(miss NS). . .i said to him that i dont want to see miss NS to cry anymore. . .

_to be continued_
(sorry for any typing error. . .i didnt checked my spelling back there,but i'm trying my best)
(i still keep the broken mug with me. . .but there are some part of the broken mug missing. . hey,it's my art ok~)


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