

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tips when u already broke up. . .

In the previous entry, I already talked on why do we break up. . .now, it's time for the tips when u already broke up with ur girlfriend or ur boyfie. . .let's get started!!

After months and years you had spent on defending your relationship, finally it's time to break up. . .what I'm trying to say that it is not only able to shed your tears, but this break up destroy ur soul and heart. . . During that time, u will feel lonely and sad. . . .u only will be happy again if the time can be reversed back and the broke up can be prevented. . . Unfortunately, what you would like to happened will not occurred. . .what are you going to do?

here's some tips that u can do to lighten up ur mood. . .first, I bet all of u have friends right?then go hang out with ur friends!there are good effects and bad effects of this one. .the good side is it can give u some times to forget what had happened between both of u. . besides, friends are always there for us. . .so, use them wisely!!haha. . .*Faqqar, quit that crap*. .but, seriously,  when u r in my shoes, u will find that ur friends are the place where u can cheer urself back. .

next, cry. . .yeah. . u should cry as much as u can. .by doing this, u can release all ur stress and ur sorrow in one go. . .seriously, u should do this. .besides, after u cry like crazy, u won't cry again after that right. . .I still remembered when Miss NF and I broke up last January. . .I cried like hell and thanks to Allah, I managed to lighten up my mood a bit. .so, when u broke up with ur boyfie or ur girlfriend, just cry!!it's a really good way to release all the burden in urself. .pray to Allah too!!

what next?urmm. . .yeah. . .if u got some money, go for traveling. . go to places that u really want to go before. . .Paris, London,New York to Borneo. . .hehe. . .just go for it!reminder : DON'T GO TO PLACES THAT U AND UR GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND HAD OR ALWAYS WENT BEFORE. . .u ignore that, u will see the consequences. . .it's pretty hard for you to recover back if u go to the places where both of u had went before. . .I experienced that and I know it. .I went back to my previous school and go sit by myself at the stairs where we always have our dates before, I went to Parkson Shopping Complex and I took a tour around the building. . .automatically, my feet move itself to where both of us had met before. . .so, my advice, don't go to places where u had gone to with ur boyfriend or girlfriend. . .fullstop!

let us move to the next point. . I think this is the last point,since my brain can't think anything anymore. .busy urself with other activities. . suggestions?involve urself with charity. . example, go to orphanage or anywhere else where u can do good deeds. . .else, go for photography!!I love photography!!street photography would be nice. . u can capture the emotion and faces of people around u. . .go for a walk around the city or anywhere is possible, and just press the shutter button. . there is no need of big chunk of equipment such as DSLR. . .compact camera is more than enough. . .if u want to make the photos look old school, go for vintage camera. .rich??go for Leica camera. . .hehe. .just shoot anything as long as u managed to busy urself. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . .feel free to comment. .and hope this will help you. . .I tried it before, at first it was successful, then I met Miss NF and until now, I can't forget her. . maybe, she is the one for me. . .=')

thanks for spending ur time on reading this. . .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why break up?. .

hello readers!!got some interesting topic to be discussed here. . .found this entry when doing some blogwalking and I'm gonna change it a bit. . .from Malay to English. . .*smile*

well, based on the title, u will know what am I going to say right now . . why we break up?well, this is what that blog had wrote and it's up to you whether u r going to believe it or not. .

now, I'm gonna tell u some serious issues or reasons why men become the source of break up. .first, men lost his interest in his girlfriend. .well, there are lots of more beautiful and nicer girls out there. .actually, his girlfriend is still the same. . .nothing had changed. .but, sometimes that guy will lost his interest because he see that his girlfriend is no longer attractive compared to before. . .so my advice to girls, keep ur look in the best way so that ur boyfie will not lost his interest in you. . .but,if u insisted on keeping the old look and not going to improve on that, just maintain the way u r. . .just bear the risk ok!=)

next, men still got some feeling of wanna hang out with other girls instead of their own girlfriend. . .they want to try something else that gonna cause them troubles and problems if their girlfriend found out what he had done. .frankly to say, I agreed with that. . .why? because I already done that. . .but, men, u should not do this to ur girlfriend. . .it is really bad and I'm afraid that u gonna witness something that u will never forget in ur entire life. . #justsaying. . .what differentiate the good couples and bad couples is the ability to confine that feelings to break up his girlfriend's heart. . .

third, he is bored. . .actually, there are lots of cases of breakup shows that the boys are bored with u. . .those feeling of boredom may come from lots of arguments and meeting up. . .advice? don't fight and less dating!!=) by this, u should be able to make ur relationship last longer. . .it's like comparing a panasonic evolta batteries and cheap brand of batteries. . .( what am I saying right now. . urghh!! ) . .girls, u should not give the guys a routine for him to done and give him some spaces and believe me, u'll see something better than before. .=)

what number is it already huh? ok. . .the fourth reason. .we afraid of commitment. . .to guys, just admit it ok. . .there are no use of pretending anymore. . .u will think of where should u work after this, where will u get the money to cover the expenses of ur girlfriend, how much money u will give to ur parents and the lists go on. . .girls, when this occurred to u, please give him some spaces so that he can manage his money. . .when he is able to do that, then it is ur time to talk about more serious matter such as marriage. . .=)

the last point is, both of u should get ur own freedom and spaces. . .I bet both of u will appreciate it when ur partner doesn't dominating most of ur time. . .talking to each other once in a day will be more than enough. . .by this, ur partner will not get bored of u. . .*smile*

well, I think that's all for now. .conclusion? each relationship requires both of u to make some sacrifices. . .not all what u had dream before going to happened. . .those sacrifices are essential to ensure that ur relationship last long. .men will sacrifice his most valuable thing if he know that u r the right girl for him. . .suddenly I remembered Miss NF. . .missed her so much. . .='(

adios amigos readers!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dusty. . .

fuhh.  .fuhh. . fuhh. . .hadei. . .it has been a really long time since the last entry. . .kinda busy these days and got some problems with my laptop too. . .pity my blog. . .kinda dusty already. . .

talking about laptop. . .here's my advice. . .done ever try to change ur operating system a.k.a OS to another type of OS. . .especially from Windows to Mac OS. . .this is what actually had happened. . .

I tried to change my OS from Windows Seven Home Premium to Mac OS Lion. . .I done all the parts that required. . .everything. . name it. . I've done it already. . .except one thing. . .if I'm not mistaken, it was patching the Windows or something like that. .at first, the screen already show some drastic improvement and smoother operation. . .then, I try to reboot my laptop and guess what. . .well, everytime u try to open ur laptop, u will see, for example acer. . . .than it will show starting windows right. . .but it is different with me. .the screen shows acer. . . .then went blank. . .dark. . .then shows the word acer again and go black again. . .I think the laptop still got something to do with the new OS, I decided to wait. . .I think u won't believe what I'm gonna say after this. . I wait for the whole day for that laptop to open. . .still, that damn thing came out. . .DANG!!

I think I really need to buy a new laptop and try to retrieve all the content in the hard disk. .hope that it will not affect the content much. . .for your information, I forgot to make partition for the hard disk. . .I think that is a complete disaster for me. .my advice. .just be grateful with what u have right now. .fullstop. . .if u want to use a laptop for a serious editing, go for macbook pro. .if for gamers or others, choose Windows instead of Mac OS. .the price difference between both of them is noticeable too. . when u compare an Apple's laptop with others; both having the same specs, u will notice the price difference. . .it is because of the brand. . .this goes the same for DSLR. . .

talking about brand, there are lots of arguments regarding this brand war. . .take for example, Nikon and Canon. . as we all know, both of them are the major brand for DSLR ( Digital Single Lens Reflex - correct me if I'm wrong ) . .lots of people argue about this stuff. . .which one is better. . .this is my opinion. . .for video, Canon is better than Nikon. . .for image quality, Nikon surpasses Canon. .this is based on the experience of using both brand. .I already try Nikon D3100, Nikon D5100, Canon EOS 600D and Canon EOS 50D. .but, this is my opinion. .everyone have their own opinion right. .comparing the price, Canon is a little bit more expensive than Nikon. .this is because of the advertisements that Canon has compared to Nikon. . that's all. . .but, Nikon already lack of new model of DSLR right now. .Canon already came out with a new model, Canon EOS 1D Mark X. . .using a new type of engine under the hood of the magnesium body sure make this model a huge threat for Nikon. . click here for the specs. . . Canon EOS 1D Mark X

I think that's all for now. . .sorry for the boring entry. . just hope u enjoy it. .by the way, I will go to KL this coming 26th November and will go to Miri this coming 4th December. . since my laptop got some problem, there will be no new entries. . .but i'll try my best to update it ok. .thank you for reading and don't forget to follow or so whats ever. . .=)

#nowlistenind the killers - human

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Ladies And Gentlemen, Fight Breast Cancer Now!!

Giuliana Rancic fights breast cancer. Follow her lead and get an early mammogram today!: Looking fit and having one of the most interesting careers, Giuliana Rancic was all about living a year of fun this 2011. Planning to undergo IVF treatment to conceive a baby, Rancic was determined to have a child with husband, Bill Rancic even through her busy life as the co-host of E! News. However, all plans came to a standstill this mid-October as Rancic's mammogram test revealed that the 36 year old host was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer.At a young age, Rancic was shocked with the life-threatening news and did not expect it coming. Not able to continue with her IVF treatment, Giuliana is still determined to have a full recovery and would still like to be a mother one day. Coming out to the public wasn't easy after receiving the

Maxis User!!Attention!!

Is the new Maxis Home Broadband available in your area?: So how fast is 30Mbps? Surf without lag, YouTube by just pressing

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nikkor 50mm f1.8G Arts!! part one

hello!!it's has been a while since the last time I updated my blog huh. . frankly to say, I am really busy right now. . . .there's lots of stuff needed to be done before I go to my hometown. . .fuhh. . .actually,i' planning to move out from this institution. . .at first my parents disagree with my choice, but after having some conversation,both of my parents agreed and support me. . .lucky tho. . thank you mum!!thank you dad!!

now,let us go back to the main thing ok. . .the arts that produced by this monstrous baby!!Nikkor AF-S 50mm f1.8G. .by the way,actually, this prime lens is a FX lens. . .which means,when it is mounted on DX body such as Nikon D5100 or Nikon D7000,it will have a cropped factor of 1.5x. . .50mm X 1.5 = 75mm. . so this is what u will get when u mounted this FX prime lens on a DX body. . .lots of people are asking me to buy f1.4G instead of f1.8G. . .I can't denied that f1.4G got better sharpness when compared to the f1.8G. . .the f1.4G is more expensive than this current lens that I am using right now. . .besides,i don't think that I am capable enough to handle f1.4G. . .

well,just enjoy what did I shoot ok!!

can u see the BOKEHliciousness there???hehe. . .

this is my friend. .also from sarawak. . u can follow him
on twitter @FiqarHYD . .he is a damn good photographer 
too. . .

 smooth and crispy!!

both of us preparing for some art of BOKEH!!

fitting the filter that we had prepared earlier. . .doing this thing 
really made me tension. . haha. . .

yeah!!the first shaped-bokeh!!DIAMOND-SHAPED BOKEH!!

Love shaped bokeh??no problem!!

this picture made me feel goosebumps a bit. .=.=
how would lamps can emit light in a smiley shape??

thinking of harry potter??yeah!!POTTERLICIOUS!!xD

first model. .thank you paan!!hehe. . .look at the background and 
the subject. .got a really nice effect right. .

accidentally shot it. . .sometime,a photo that accidentally taken
is nice too. . .

well,these are the photos that taken by me . .actually,during this time,it was blackout and we really got nothing to do. .we take this opportunity to test the lens. . .my gear are Nikon D5100 and Nikkor AF-S 50mm f1.8G while my friend's gear are Canon EOS 50D with original Canon battery grip and Tamron SP AF 17-50mm f2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical Lens. . .

frankly to say,i'm quite jealous with his equipment. . .but, Canon EOS 50D sure is heavy. .by the way, all the photos taken are using manual setting. .it's pretty hard to use the manual setting but i'm getting use to it right now. . .thanks to him also!!he always teach me on how to use manual setting. . .but still, I got a really long way to go. . .actually,even your kit lens can do bokeh. . .but it may not be as smooth and sharp as other huge aperture lens. . .

I think that's all for now. . .stay tuned for more BOKEHLICIOUSNESS!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Nikkor 50mm f1.8G

hello there. . .today I will tell u one pretty interesting thing that happened today. . .guess what. . my new lens is here!!haha. . .well, I think u can guess what type of lens it is right. . .geez. . it has been mentioned up there. . .well. . .here's some photos of it. .what I can really say about this lens is it's awesome. . .fullstop. .

this is the packaging that came this morning. . . .

opening the packaging sure made me excited!!

revealing the baby inside the packaging!!

this is the golden box . . .pretty nicely built. . 

opening the golden box and i'm engulf in awe. . .

I also bought the Kenko Multicoated Filter. . .don't ask about the price. .

it also come with the pouch. . 

this is the Nikon HB-47 lens hood. . .

haha. . handgrenade-wrapped lens!!

revealing the monster inside the grenade!!

Nikkor AF-S 50mm f1.8G FX Prime Lens is an updated classic from Nikkor 50mm f1.8D with a fast maximum aperture of 1.8 is ideal for everyday shooting, perfect in low lighting situations and great for producing images with beautiful bokeh!!BOKEHLICIOUS!!

The Nikkor AF-S 50mm f1.8G includes Silent Wave Motor technology (SWM) for fast and precise autofocus, M/A Focus Mode Switch for seamless changes between manual and autofocus operation and an aspherical lens element for outstanding optical performance with high contrast. . .

In DX-format, the maximum viewing angle is 31°30' while in FX-format it is 47°. . .by the way,it also have Super Integrated Coating (SIC) which help reduce flare and ghost. . .but it would be best if it have Nano Crystal Coating. . .hehe. . 

Compare to 50mm f1.8D, this lens got 58mm of filter size instead of 52mm. . .this enable more light to passed through the lens and help in low light shooting. . but,bigger filter size means more expensive lens filter needed to be attached to it. . .actually, I want to buy HOYA filter,but it is more expensive than current filter that I have right now. . .besides, the lens is quite light for its performance. . .185g shouldn't be so much trouble right. . .

for the next entry, I will show u the first sample of images taken using this lens. . stay tuned!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

the signs. . . .( for female only ) part 4

woah. . .sudah part 4 ini amoi. . .mcm mana mau buat aa??lu olang punya pasal, wa buat new entry. . .haha. . .sekarang, wa mau sambung kta punya discussion itu hari. . .lu olang tak mau baca, wa tak kesah. .lu olang boleh tekan ALT + F4. .kalau tak nak tekan, boleh try CTRL + W. . .as easy as that right. . .haha. . .

ok,tak mau marah2,kta smbg ok. .amoi,wa mau tanya satu benda laa. . .tarak banyak. . satu saja. . .lu olang pernah dibanggakn oleh itu laki ka??sini wa cakap sama lu aa, laki yg bangga2kn dia olang punya awek aa, itu pun satu tanda. . .tanda yg itu apek manyak cinta sama lu. . .dioalang tarak mau kalah sama org lain maa. . .bagi dia olang aa, lu laa amoi yg aling bagus. . .tarak ada yang lbh bagus dr lu olang. . .manyak susah mau jumpa ini macam punya apek. . .ini spesis punya olang aa,tarak tau malu. . .bagi diaolang,lu laa olang yang paling bagus,paling cun. . haha. .paling2 semua laa. . .

next point, lu olang pernah rasa breakup ka??kalau lu olang tanya sama wa, wa terus terang cakap pernah laa. . .haiya. . .btol laa. . .wa tarak tipu punya. . .wa aa,manyak lama masa wa ambil mau recover balik tau. .maseh tak faham kaa amoi??senang cerita laa. . .kalau lu olang pernah breakup aa, lu tgk apa sudah jadi sama lu punya ex. . .kalau maseh tarak ada amoi baru aa, lu olang sudah buat salah maa. . .kalau mau tau olang laki yang manyak setia punya olang aa, dia pandai serik oww hal kapel2 ini. .lu olang cakap apa2 pun sama dia, dia tarak mau cari lain. . .lu olang tau apa pasal??lu punya ex maseh mengharapkan lu olang laa. . .someone is so slow today laa. . .haha. . .

wa rasa aa, ini last entry for this chapter laa. . .wa punya ilmu pun sudah mau habis. . .jgn sedih2 ok. . .kta sambung. .ini berdasarkan wa punya pengalaman. .own experience itu orang putih cakap. . .kalau ada orang ketiga yg muncul aa, wa boleh jadi gila oww. . .lu olang tarak percaya sma wa??tanya sama wa punya batch laa. . .Resurgence Party Rock Crew. . .dia olang tau apa jadi masa pasca PMR. . .still want another proof??lu olang mari sini,tgk wa punya betis kiri. . .ada satu parut oww. . .biasa laa. . .jeles punya pasal maa. . .lgpun,wa maseh tarak tau apa2 maa. . .manyak laa oww wa ambil masa mau recover. . .tiga empat bulan bru wa recover after breakup dgn Miss NS. . .haha. . .mesti korang manyak hairan kan. . .dulu wa cakap,wa kapel sama Miss NF,sekarang wa cakap Miss NS. . .wa sama Miss NS suka sma suka. .tp blom kapel . . .wa sudah mintak byk kali sudah sama itu amoi. . .tp,dia tarak mau kapel maa. . .then,wa buat kering punya perangai,last2 right now dia dgn olang lain. . .itu Miss NS punya cerita. . .wa break sama Miss NF 11.01.2011. . .sampai sekarang mata blom mau tgk amoi lain. . .haiya. . sayang punya pasal maa. . .hehe. . still mau proof ka??lu olang pergi SMSM,tanya sama wa punya junior. . now in form 4. . .wa terkelar wa punya tgn punya kes maa . . .itu hari ada satu apek manyak rapat sama Miss NF. . jeles punya pasal laa. . .hehe. .

apa??lu olang cakap wa punya batch nama manyak plek??hey, mulut lu olang sudah cukup besar kaa insurance??susah senang kita olang sama2 tau. .so,jgn mau pailang2 sangat ok. . .sudah laa. ..tarak payah gadoh2,kta sambong. . .ini point wa tarak dapat elaborate panjang sangat. . .manyak susah maa. .senang cerita aa amoi, apek yang suka sama lu olang aa, sanggup korban dia olang punya harta sama nyawa untuk lu olang. . .ini wa sudah try explain sehabis baik punya. . .experience itu tarak laa sampai korban nyawa punya. . .korban harta ada laa. . .bukan apa,situasi perlu korban nyawa punya tak ada pernah jadi maa. . .korban markah rumah sukan ada laa. . haha. . .korban harta itu of course laa. . .malas mau cerita panjang2, biarlah sikit2 punya hal jadi rahsia. . .xD

wa rasa ini last point . . .kosong sudah wa punya idea. . .this point is easy to understand tp susah mau buat. . .bukan semua laki sanggup menangis utk dia olang punya amoi tau. . .bukan apa, laki2 punya ego manyak tggi maa. . .wa sebagai lelaki pun mengaku ini benda. . .tp,seriously laa wa cakap. . kalau lu oalng aa amoi,jumpa ini macam punya apek aa, jangan kasi lepas. . .lu olang lepas ini spesis punya apek aa,lu olang manyak feng khuang punya amoi. . .otak tarak ngam. . .haha. . .pengalaman?ada. . . .tp, wa malas laa mau cerita. . .bikin wa makin sedih nanti woo. . .wa tarak mau itu macam. . apa??lu olang tarak percaya ka??wa punya muka manyak gangster,tp hati ada taman. .wa mau buat pengakuan. . .wa tgk drama winter sonata, My GF is a Gumiho dgn Lagenda Budak Setan, wa punya air mata turun oww. . .macam hujan. . haha. . .lagi mau tanya wa punya pengalaman?tak payah susah2 maa. . .lu olang sendiri mau ingat laa. . .tgk ini macam punya cerita boleh nangis, apa lagi kalau hidup berkapel kan. . haha. .

oklah. . i think this is the end of this topic. . .manyak sorry aa kalau ada tersilap bahasa,marah2 itu suma. .wa mintak maaf banyak2. .manusia tarak ada yang perfect maa. . .akhir kata, thank you aa sbb luangkn masa baca wa punya entry for this time. . don't forget to follow ok. . .ada idea baru,wa update wa punya blog. . sekian. . .


perghh. . .jiwang la pulok. . .macam awie dalam sembilu. .jiwang siot aku. . .hehe. . .

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

the signs. . . .( for female only ) part 3

waseh. . .sudah sampai part 3 aa. . .manyak bikin susah laa lu olang amoi. . .wa punya kepala sudah mau kering sudah. . haha. . .tp, lu olang punya pasal, wa buat jugak entry bru. . .baca2 jugak, jgn lupa follow tau. .hehe. . .#nowlistening super girl by super junior

tanda2 yang lain yg lu olang mau pastikan sama ada itu apek manyak suka sama lu aa ialah itu apek sentiasa jaga lu olang punya keselamatan compare dgn keselamatan dia sendiri. . .waa, ini punya olang aa,manyak bagus. . sanggup korban dia sendiri punya safety maa. . .manyak susah mau cari ini macam punya spesis tau. . .haha. . .amoi, kalau lu jumpa ini macam punya apek aa, lu jgn buang masa laa. . .sblom lu olang menangis itu apek pergi amoi lain. . .kalau ini macam sudah jadi aa, manyak susah maa. . .lu olang menangis air mata darah pun, itu apek tidak mau sama lu lagi laa. . .tapi, ada certain cases, apek itu masih suka sama itu amoi walaupun itu amoi manyak lama sudah tidak layan itu apek maa. . .wahh, kalau itu macam aa, itu apek manyak setia punya olang maa. . .leng leng laa. . .#nowlistening wonder boy by super junior

next point, apek yg suka sama lu olang aa amoi,lu olang boleh detect sendiri maa. . .dia manyak pentingkan lu olang drpd diri dia sendiri. . .dia sanggup buat manyak menda untuk lu olang. . .lu jumpa ini macam punya apek manyak best woo. . .manyak untung jugak maa. . .lu boleh suroh dia olang buat macam2 maa. . .haha. . .tp, lbh baik lu olang jgn buat itu macam laa. . .tidak baik maa. . .wa laki2, ingat. . kta olang pun ada prasaan tau. . .hehe. . .ok. . kita smbg lagi ok!#nowlistening to I'm your man by DBSK and Super Junior

ini sign wa selalu buat dulu dgn wa punya ex. . .dulu wa selalu tanya sama wa punya awek dulu. . .lu suka sama wa ka?lu cinta sama wa ka?*phewitt!*lu tau ka apa pasal wa selalu tanya ini macam punya soalan sama wa punya ex?ini wa punya opinion laa. . .wa rasa wa punya kasih sama wa punya ex dulu lbh kuat drpd dia punya sayang sama wa maa. . .itu wa punya opinion laa. . .tp,lu olang sbg perempuan mesti laa mau cakap yg lu olang punya sayang tggi lagi kan. . .wa tidak dapat buat apa2. .. setiap org ada opinion sendiri kan. . .leng leng laa. . .haha. . .ini macam laa. . .senang cerita, apek yang manyak suka sama lu olang sentiasa tanya sama lu olang pasal ini benda laa. . .lu sayang sama wa ka?lu kasih sama wa ka?haha. . .itu pun kira tanda jugak tau. . .jgn main2 oww sama ini macam punya olang. . .ini macam punya olang manyak kasih sama lu amoi. . .betol wa cakap sama lu oww. . .wa tarak tipu punya . . .lu ingat wa suka ka tipu sama olang??tidak sama sekali. . .hehe. . bergantung kepada situasi laa. . .

wa bru habis tgk video clip mr taxi by SNSD. . wah!!manyak kiut laa dia olang. . .dia olang punya tarian pun manyak cun oww. . .ok,kta smbg. . .kta olang aa, tidak layan sama amoi lain selain drpd lu olang. .kalau tidak ada urusan penting, mintak maaf byk2 laa. . .wa tidak layan maa. . . .tp,dulu ini wa punya mistake maa. . .wa ingat wa punya ex dulu kurang sayang laa sama wa. . .itu pasal laa wa ada layan amoi lain jugak laa. . .tp,dlm hati masih manyak kuat laa rasa sayang sama wa punya ex. . .kepada pembaca yg sama jantina sama wa aa, wa kasi warning sama lu olang. . .jgn buat ini macam sama lu punya awek. . .nnti dia manyak jeles maa. . .kalau sudah jeles,manyak susah oww. . .ssh mau pujuk amoi punya hati tau. . .btol wa cakap sama lu. . .manyak susah. . dulu wa ambil masa lama woo mau pujuk wa punya awek dulu. . .hehe. .kadang2 wa ingat wa punya kenangan silam,pandai sedih,pandai happy pun ada jugak tau. . .haish. . .sudah2. . .lu olang mau kasi wa makin sedih ka??

satu lagi aa, kalau lu olang aa amoi mau tau samada itu apek manyak sayang sama lu olang aa, dia sanggup luang manyak masa sama lu olang. . .walaupun masa untuk dia sendiri pun kurang, tapi dia sanggup wo. . .ini punya point, wa tak dapat mau elaborate byk2 laa. . .bkn apa, dulu wa duduk miri maa. . .wa punya awek duduk bintulu. . manyak jaoh maa. . .guna kereta mau makan 2 jam. . .kalau jalan kaki,mau makan tiga empat hari tau. . .satu lagi,dulu wa blom ada lesen maa. . .tp, wa try luang manyak masa sama wa punya awek dulu. . pagi, wa text dia. . .lu olang tau tak?kadang2 satu hari makan satu ribu mesej oww . . .dulu laa. . .sekalang tarak ada. . .reason?wa tarak ada awek sudah maa. . .haiya,itu pun mau cakap ka??wa sekarang punya expenses untuk reload tarak banyak sudah sekarang. . .kol & text wa punya parent,kawan2 sikit2,dgn itu twitter saja laa. . .yg lain tarak ada. . .msj sama amoi lain manyak jaoh maa. . .mmg takda langsung laa. . .haha. . .bkn apa, wa masih sayang laa sama wa punya ex. .wa masih ingat tarikh kta olang break. . .11th January 2011. . .manyak lama sudah oww. . .

haiya. . wa rasa wa stop sini dulu laa. . .mata manyak mengantuk sudah. . wa janji next entry final punya. . .part 4 is the finishing for this signs laa. . .oklah. . .wa ngntk sudah. . .mau tido. . .thank you aa sbb baca wa punya entry yg humble ini. . .

p/s : sorry ini entry manyak kosong . .tarak ada idea mau letak gmbr laa. . .

the signs. . . .( for female only ) part 2

aa. . .amoi. . .kta jumpa lagi woo. . .ini entry sudah masok part 2 sudah. . .ini time wa mau kasi turun sikit lagi ilmu waa. . .no need to be risau laa. . .leng leng laa ok. . .lu dudok, baca, lu tgk sekeliling, mana la tau ada apek ini macam kan. . haha. . .ok2. .kita mula ok. .

itu hari wa ada cakap pasal kongkong kan. . .ini pun ada kaitan sikit. . .apek yang manyak suka sama lu aa, sentiasa awasi lu olang punya movement. . .haha. . .ini macam punya laki2 aa,dia olang punya curiga,manyak kuat. . .tp,seriously laa wa cakap. . wa kurang setuju dgn laki2 ini maca punya perangai. . .curiga sikit2 boleh terima. .kalau curiga manyak besar, haiya.. . .tak pyh tiau laa. . .bikin ssh sma lu olang saja kan amoi. . .hehe. . .satu lagi, masih ada kaitan sama itu kongkong punya hal. .apek yg suka sma lu olang aa amoi,manyak tidak suka kalau ada apek lain yang rapat sama lu olang. . .ini berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. .ada solang laki2,rapat sama wa punya awek dulu ( walaupun blom kapel ), wa manyak jeles woo. . .wa 'terkelar' wa punya tangan guna cutter itu hari maa. . .jeles punya pasal. . .wa ingat balik,manyak bodoh laa wa punya action. . .masa dulu,itu amoi bknnya awek wa,tp,wa sudah kuat perasan. . haiya. . .itu amoi punya junior saja yang tau pasal ini cerita tau. . .aa,lu olang yg sedang baca ini pun sudah tau. .diam2 sudah laa ok. . .

p/s : ini gmbr wa google. .thank you aa tuan punya gmbr. .

next sign, ktaorang mudah rasa jeles & sensitif bila lu olang kurang beri perhatian dekat kta orang. . .wa punya member sudah break dgn dia punya awek aa,ini barang punya pasal laa. . .tp,wa cakap sama lu laa. . .wa punya member manyak bodoh laa. . .feng khuang punya orang. . .dia punya awek aa,manyak cun. . .ramai apek lain yang crush dgn amoi itu laa. . .satu hari, wa punya member bawak dia punya awek pergi jalan2. . .awek dia cakap tidak dapat. . .lepas itu aa,dia jumpa dia punya awek jalan2 sama itu awek punya kawan. . .kalau kawan perempuan, dia tidak kisah laa kan. . tp, lu olang tau ka??tak tau kan. .sini wa cakap. . itu amoi aa,jalan2 sama dia punya kawan laki2 maa. . .dia sanggup tolak dia punya boyfriend punya request semata2 mau jalan sama kawan dia. . haiya. . ini amoi pun satu. . .manyak tidak ngam punya orang. . .

kalau wa letak ini gmbr,manyak amoi kuat suka maa. . .haha. . .

aa,ini next sign, wa manyak sokong. . .laki2 yg suka sama lu olang aa, sanggup jadi olang yang paling rajin. . .sanggup tolong buat apa saja utk dia punya awek maa. . .lu olang mau contoh ka amoi??wa pernah tolong wa punya ex buat homework addmath. . .wa buat pengakuan laa. . .wa mmg kurang minat sama ini matapelajaran. . .tiap kali exam,haiya. . .sentiasa wa punya nama naik. . .kalau naik pasal markah manyak cantik,wa senyum laa. . ini. . .haiya. . .manyak merah lorh. . .nang bo tu nang,toi bo ti koi. . .tp,sbb syg,wa sanggup tolong ajar wa punya ex buat itu homework. . .wa tolong buat jugak laa. . .sudah cukup contoh kan amoi?kta sambung aa. . .

kadang2,apek yang muka macam mau makan orang aa,orang cakap hati serupa batu punya orang aa, pandai merajuk jugak woo. .haha. . .lu tau ka apa pasal?ini punya spesis aa, mau kena pukul punya orang laa. . .eyh. . .salah. . sorry2. .mau kena pujuk sama dia punya awek maa. . .hahaha. . .kuat manyak wa punya kesalahan ini hari ow. .wa punya kepala manyak tidak ngam laa ini hari. . .kelas continuos dari pukul 8am sampai petang. . .boleh gila wa kalau ini macam hari2. .haha. . .

selain drpd itu aa, kalau lu olang aa amoi,jauh dgn itu apek yg suka sama lu kaa,yg jatuh cintan sama lu aa,itu apek manyak nervous. .tidak boleh jaoh sikit maa. . .tgk dr jaoh pun sudah cukup. .tp,kalau ini mata pun sudah tak nampak bayang2 lu olang aa amoi,manyak susah maa. . .tp,ini zaman sudah moden maa. . .lu olang punya hp pun sudah manyak moden kan. . .ada itu 3G. . .sudah boleh video call kan. .manyak senang laa. . .lu olang tgk wa punya hp. . .since 2008 blom tukar. .wa bukan olang senang maa. . .lui takda. . .hehe. . .tp,wa sudah ada niat mau tuka hp. . .wa maseh ada kontek2 sama wa punya ex. . .dia cakap dia mau tukar dia punya hp laa. . wa tanya hp apa. .dia cakap Iphone 4. . .wa punya hati cakap 'haiya,manyak mahal wo'. . .lepas tue wa cakap sama wa punya ex,kta tuka hp sama2. .beli hp bru yg sama jenis. . .skrg wa punya lui ada sikit laa. . .itu pun lepas wa kumpul start wa punya ex cakap itu macam. . .wa tanya,sudah tukar ka?. .dia cakap blom. . wa tggu. . .wa postpone. . .wa mau tggu laa dulu. . .ada hari nnti wa tukar laa. . .

terima kasih encik google. . .tuan punya gmbr,thank you also aa. . .

waa. . .manyak panjang sudah wa tulis. . .tp,blom habis wa punya ilmu. . .entry lain wa sambung ok. . .lu olang jgn lupa baca tau. . .wa penat2 kongsi ini ilmu tau. . hehe. . .ok2. . thank you sbb baca. . wa mau tido dulu. . manyak pening laa. . .

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

the signs. . . .( for female only ) part 1

aa. . .ini entry khas untuk amoi2. . .uh?pasal tak buat dlm bhs org putih?haiya,apek. . .entry lepas wa sudah buat dlm BM maa. . .kasi adil sma apek dan amoi laa. . .leng leng laa. . .ok,kta start ok. . .tak pyh nak gaduh2 laa k. . .amoi sama apek saling memerlukan. . .haha. . .dh2. . .

ini entry manyak panjang oww. . .lu lagi mau tanya apa pasal. . .wa laki-laki laa. . .mesti laa wa tau manyak. . .compare dgn entry lepas, entry lepas tu from woman's view. . .itu pasal laa. . .

ok2. . .first,itu apek aa amoi, manyak sungguh2 buat something utk u orang. . .what??no laa. . .tidak ada paksa2 punya. . .ikhlas dr hati. . .waseh. . waa laki. . .mesti laa mau up sikit kan. . .kalau lu olang laki2, mesti laa lu olang mau up lu olang punya bangsa sendiri kan. . .haiya. . .pendek cerita, itu apek yg suka sma lu olang, mesti manyak ikhlas mau tolong u olang. . .lu jumpa ini macam punya apek, wahh. . .manyak untong. . .lu standby saja untuk terima itu apek punya love ok!!tp, mesti baca sign yang seterusnya ok!

next, kalau first2 lu tgk itu apek manyak diam, lu cakap satu patah, dia balas satu patah punya orang, then one day, dia kalau lu olang cakap sikit, dia punya balas. . .walaweyh. . .manyak panjang. . macam novel woo. . .itu merupakan satu perubahan. . .what I am trying to say here, itu apek mau hibur lu olang punya hati. . .dia olang mau lu punya hati sentiasa happy. . .tak mau sunyi2, tak mau sedih2. .itu pasal laa diolang sanggup berubah. . .waa, manyak untung laa lu amoi kalau ada apek sanggup berubah utk lu olang. . .reason?weyh, lu ingat sikit senang ka ktaorang mau ubah personaliti?manyak susah oww. . .olang ramai cakap, ego laki2 manyak tinggi. . .wa ngaku wa punya ego tggi, tp bkn tggi macam itu KLCC. . .tggi mcm itu LCCT saja. . .haha. . .


p/s : ini gmbr waa google saja. . .credit kpd tuan punya gbr ok. . .tima kasih. .

nombor brapa sudah?ok. . sikalang, nombor 3. . .tanda itu apek suka sma lu olang aa amoi, yang ketiga ialah lu olang jgn marah sma diorang kalau diaorang byk nasihat lu olang. . .lu tau ka?kalau ktaorang manyak nasihat sma lu orang, itu maknanya kami caring. . .aa. . caring itu maksud dia sayang maa. . .haiya. . .nang bo tu nang, toi bo tu koi. . .

lepas itu aa, apek yg suka sma lu orang, manyak gonggong. . .eyh. . slh ka??bkn gonggong eyh??kongkong kaa??oww. . .sudah tukar ka??haha. . .manyak kongkong. . .ini point, wa kurang setuju woo. . .wa pnh kapel. .sblom ini waa manyak kongkong wa punya awek. . .itu pasal dia marah sama wa. . .amoi pun perlu kebebasan jugak kan. . .kongkong maknany ktaorang punya perasaan cemburu manyak besar. . .haha. . .

aa. . lu tgk gmbr atas. . ."INSANELY JEALOUS". . lu orang tidak dpt mau slhkn kta org. . .kta org punya perasaan jugak oww. . .ktaorg pun pandai jeles jugak. . .haiya. . .tp, wa ok. . .wa sudah belajar dr mistake dahulu. . .*flips hair*

ini point manyak pendek. . .apek yg suka sama lu aa amoi,diorang manyak takut kehilangan lu orang. . .haiya, betol wa cakap sama lu. . .wa tidak bohong punya. . .wa masih ingat last day wa jumpa dgn wa punya ex. .ktaorang dudok dekat tgga,menghitung waktu. . .haiya. . .manyak sedih. . .wa masih ingat. .lepas exam biology. . .hurmm. . ='( . . .kalau lu orang pnh kapel, mesti lu olang pnh rasa ini macam kan. . .

ok,kta cukup dgn sedih, kta smbg lagi ok. . .kami org sbg kaum lelaki pun ada rasa ingin dimanja. . .weyh, lu gelak apa pasal?wa cakap betol maa. . .wa tau la wa punya muka manyak gangster. .macam mau makan org,tp wa punya hati ada taman woo. . .betol wa cakap sma lu. . .ktaorang ini kadang2 jadi macam budak kecik tau. . .lu orang tau kan perangai budak kecik mcm mna. . .mau tarik perhatian saja kan. . .aa, manja tak ktaorang amoi??hehe. . .

fuhh. . manyak penat sudah waa. . .lain hari wa sambung lg. . mau study calculus. . .ada quiz besok maa. . .tggu aa. . .terima kasih sbb singgah. . .

p/s : Andy Lau Taiko. . thank you aa for the picture. .xD

Sunday, October 9, 2011

the signs. . . .( for male only )

how do you do readers??hope that u r in the best condition. . .the signs. . .yeah. . today, we will talk about the signs. .these are the signs that shown by ladies that attracted to you. . .don't understand??haiya. . .tanda itu perempuan suka sama kamu laa leng chai. . .understand now??if still don't understand, I will explain to u in malay ok. . .good enough?

tanda yg pertama, itu perempuan manyak tidak senang duduk. . .selalunya, amoi yg suka sama lu konfem tidak tunjuk diaorang punya prasaan direct dekat lu orang. .tp, diaorang mau luorang buat next step. .kalau lu orang dpt detect ini amoi punya intention, fuhh. . .wa kasi ckp sma lu. . .110%. . konfem itu amoi jadi lu punya awek. .sblom wa lupa, tanda2 itu manyak. . .salah satu, lu tgk ini amoi manyak cantik jalan2 blakang lu orang. . lepas tu, diaorang punya mata manyak bahaya. . .jeling2 serupa mau manja2 sama lu orang. . .aa. . .ini antara tanda2 itu woo. . .lu kena, manyak untong . . .

second, itu amoi tunjuk minat dekat lu orang. . .mcm mna mau explain ini bnda aa??cuba lu orang imagine. . .lu sma itu amoi dudok2 cakap2. .lepas tu, lu bukak satu cerita. . . .cerita itu manyak bodoh. . .orang bodoh saja mau dgr . . .tp, itu amoi aa, dgr lu punya cerita manyak khusyuk. . .waa. . .kalau itu macam sudah jadi aa kawan, tidak lama. . .tidak lama waa cakap sma lu. . .sebulan dua, sudah kepit tangan sudah woo. . .haha. . .

lepas itu, tanda yg tunjuk itu amoi manyak minat sma lu, itu amoi kasi lu kenal sama diorang punya kawan. . .ini statement wa kurang paham. . .ini macam laa. . .itu amoi sudah mula terima lu masok diarong punya line. . .eyh. . .salah2. . masok diaorang punya komuniti. . .aa. . .komuniti. . .kalau masok line itu sudah lain laa leng chai. .itu diaorang mau bawa lu masok gengster laa. . .xD. . .masok diaorang punya komuniti mesti pandai. . .lu mesti tarik itu amoi punya kawan, lu tarik diaorang punya perhatian. . .aa. . ini macam manyak ngam laa. .

nombor brapa sudaa aa?empat. . .senang cita, itu amoi jual dia sendiri. . .waa. . .cakap pasal jual, lu orang punya kepala sudah pergi tempat lain aa. . .manyak tidak ngam laa lu orang punya kepala. . .wa punya maksud ini macam. . .itu amoi try tunjuk diaorang punya aset atau kelebihan dekat lu orang. . .ini baru betol. . . .sebab?itu pun mau tanya kaa??itu amoi mau tunjuk sma lu orang, dia manyak paloi untuk lu orang. . .eyh. . .bukan paloi ka??salah2. . .berbaloi. . .chee si. . .manyak fengkuang laa lu orang. . .

ok2. . .tidak payah mau gadoh2. . .kita sambung aa. .mcmna mau cakap aa. .itu amoi manyak open sma lu. . .diaorang mesti byk cerita mau simpan sorang2. .itu org putih cakap secret. . .kalau sudah secret, mana boleh kasi tau sma org lain kan. . .tp, kalau jumpa lu aa leng chai, itu amoi luah suma kasi lu orang tau. .kalau ini maca sudah jadi aa, lu orang baik kasi cepat2 masok itu jarum maa. . .kalau itu amoi manyak cantik, lu pun untung jugak kan. . .tidak payah mau kasi pening kepala laa. . .lu orang ingat lu orang hensem ka??ben zhuo laa. . .tak payah tiao2 laa. . .sudah cukup untung lu orang ada amoi suka. . .lu orang tgk waa. . .amoi satu pun tarak mau tau. . .haha. . .manyak sedih oww. .bukan apa. . .wa masih suka, masih sayang sma wa punya Miss NF laa. . .

aa. . .ini petua last. . .itu amoi suda jadi macam lu orang punya bayang2. . .lu orang dekat cafe, itu amoi sama jugak. . .lu orang pergi library, itu amoi mesti ada dekat dengan lu orang. . .kalau toilet lelaki pun diaorang ikut lu, baik lu lari saja laa. . .itu amoi sudaa gila kalau itu macam. . .ini macam punya amoi aa, sudah lemas oww. . .diaorang lemas dlm desire untuk ikut lu orang. . .diaorang mau damping sama lu. . .bukan itu damping malam. . .itu damping malam cerita hantu maa. . .kalau waa kena ini macam, waa sudah cabut, sudah angkat kaki lorh. . .haha. . .

dh. . .waa punya petua sudah habis. .ilmu sudah turun sama lu orang sudah. . .dapat atau tidak, itu Tuhan tentukan. . .at least lu orang sudah cuba maa. . .itu amoi lekat sma lu orang, lu punya nasib manyak baik. .tidak lama dgn lu orang, mmg lu orang tidak pandai jaga amoi. . .aa. . .ada papa mistake, wa mintak maaf banyak2. . cakap2 main laa kawan. . .tenkiu aa baca wa punya entry ini hari. . .

p/s untuk amoi, lain entry wa update ok. .the signs. . . .( for female only )

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Using Other People Belongings Without The Owner Permission

hahaha. . .well, this is the topic that had been talked on yesterday on twitter. . .well, what do u think about that??got some relation to u??do u ever had it before?I bet most of us had been through this stuff right. . .ur belongings may include these items :

 your laptop. . . .

 your camera @ DSLR

 your PSP??

all of these items may be your belongings. . .when u bought it for the first time, u will take a really good care about it right. . .u will never throw away ur stuff around recklessly right. .

but what would happened if someone use ur items without ur permission. . what do u think??what would happened??what would u felt toward them??

 r u mad??????

 r u sad??

 or maybe u r a little bit confused??

well, anybody would have the same expression if someone use ur belongings without ur permission right. . .it would be better if they asked ur permission before they use ur items right. . .it would be nicer and u would not have the expression that all of them had shown. . .

but, the condition might become worse if they use ur belonging without taking a good care of them. . .that would be worse right. . .so, what I'm trying to say here is to anyone who felt that they had done this thing, please stop that ok. . .we as the victims hope that u will stop those nonsense attitude. . .treat other's things well and don't treat them as it is yours. . .

so that's it for now. .thank you for reading and good night. . .

Friday, October 7, 2011

changes in my blog. . .

hello there!!it's been a week since the last time I updated my blog right. . .I'm really sorry because got no idea on how to update my blog. . well, applause to me because I got a new idea for this time. .

ok, this is my new topic for today. . .for man only ok. . .but, if u r girl, u may read this post too. .no offence ok. . .let's get started. .hurmm. . .what type of girl that u like?lots of people would say that they like girls with long straight hair, nice body, got angel-like face, but it will be different for me. .yeah, beauty is a bonus for them, but frankly to say, I like woman who wears tudung or hijab. . .

for me, they look gorgeous and wonderful if they use their tudung and by doing this, they are protecting themselves from the eyes of men that will find any opportunity to do something bad to them. .I really love to see lots of people, especially muslimah will use tudung and any appropriate clothing to cover their aurat. .as we all know, covering the aurat is compulsory for all muslim and we should not obey this order that comes from Al-Mighty Allah SWT. . .

u must be wondering why and how on earth that I would like woman with that kind of attitude. . .let me explain to you. . .if u have any apples on ur refrigerator, take two of them out from the refrigerator. . .choose the best two out of how many apples u got there. . .labelled them with A and B. . .

this is apple A. . .=D

and this is apple B. . .

what r we going to do next is we peel off the skin of the first apple which is apple A, and don't do nothing with   apple B. . .

u should got something like this right. . . .then, u put both of the apples at the top of ur dining table or anywhere that exposed to air. . .after a day, u observed what happened. . .guess what. . .apple A rotted ( actually it is oxidized ) and apple B still maintain it's look. . .

which one would u prefer??sanely thinking, u would choose apple B instead of apple A right. . .that goes the same with women. . .women who are wearing tudung and covering their aurat are apple B while the opposite are the apple B. . .

for me, women who are wearing tudung and covering their aurat because of Al-Mighty Allah SWT have their own uniqueness. .they have their own beauty that made me wonder what make them so beautiful, in their own ways. . .I'm not saying that people who aren't wearing tudung and covering their aurat are not beautiful. . .yes, all of u r beautiful. .but it will be nicer if u follow what had been instructed by Al-Mighty Allah SWT instead of denying it. .no offence ok. .

well, I think that's all for now. .sorry if what I had said and mentioned above make u mad at me. .I'm sorry. . well, that's my own opinion. .everyone have their own opinion right. . it goes the same with me. . .adios amigos!!

p/s : I already mentioned about this topic in twitter yesterday morning. . .this post is for people who didn't read my previous tweet. . .by the way, I'm starting a new programme ( unofficial ) for my twitter account. .previous topic for that segment was this topic and a new topic had been talk on this evening. . .so maybe on the next post, I will tell u about this evening topic on twitter ok!!

Friday, September 30, 2011


huarghh!!I wonder what make me feel like this. . .there is something that I want to share with u. . .don't u realize that facebook right now is kinda lame??

well. .no offence ok. . . there are so much changes had been done by them and sometimes ( well, most of the time ) giving us some troubles to adapt with it. . .some people had mentioned to me that facebook also got some similarities with twitter. . .the TIMELINE!!yeah. . there are certain people that saying that facebook had come with new features such as the timeline. . eventhough they are not mentioning it as timeline, but as a twitter users, we can detect it. . .so, what I am trying to say here is why did facebook try to imitate twitter?

got this picture from here . . .actually I googled it before then I found this pretty nice picture about twitter versus facebook.  .LOL. . kinda funny tho. . ..

next story. . .planning to change my dslr with a new one. . .thinking of nikon d90 or nikon d7000. . .nikon d7000 far outweigh nikon d90 in terms of specs. . .just found one buyer that want to buy nikon d5100 from me. . .well, need to find some cash to buy the camera lorh. . .hehe. . .my future dslr. . . .nikon d7000 with 50mm f1.8G. . sounds nice right. . .

this is the nikon d7000 body. . .here's the specs. . .click here

and this is the nikkor lens 50mm f1.8G

the main differences between 50mm 1.8G and 50mm 1.8D is G got motor and D doesn't have motor. . .when a G-lens being fitted to a DSLR body which doesn't have motor, it can autofocus. . .but, it wouldn't be the same if a D-lens combine with a DSLR body that doesn't have motor. . u can only manual focus them. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . it seems like this blog will be some kind of photography blog. . .who cares right??this is my blog and I have my own way to express myself!!LOL. . .kinda excited. . .

by the way, HAPPY 1st OCTOBER!!

*poof* I'm off!  =___=''

Monday, September 26, 2011

LOL. . .

haha. . actually got no idea on what to post . . officially, I am living in V2A. . the room is pretty nice and it is not that small. . .just nice. . .but, it is still quite messy. . got no time to clean it up perfectly ok. . .I am not that lazy ok. . .haha. .

by the way, I just emailed someone from Shell Scholarship Department. . .I think he is an international man. . .the name also sounds like not malaysian. .maybe after this couple of weeks, I can get my scholarship already. . finally. . .

this new semester I'm gonna be a new person!!must CHANGED!!I got a new target, got a better spirit and I believe that I can do what I want to do. . and I believe that I will achieve it!I'm sure. . .Insyallah. . .I realized that my family are having high expectation towards me and I should do better than what I had done before right. . .wish me luck ok. .

besides, there are some bad stories happened lately. . first, I got asthma. . LOL. . can u believe that??me??asthma??hehe. . .got a picture of me using the nebulizer  ( I think this is the correct spelling for it) ( and I think this is the name of that thing. . hehe ) ,but as u all know, the internet connection here is pretty 'fast' and I got 'no' problem at all in browsing the net. . .if u got what I meant. . haha. . .

next, my plan to buy an Iphone crushed!!!!urghh!!I think I will get the phone pretty late lorh. . .haiya. . but, I really need to concentrate on my study now and maybe I can get it faster than I thought. . who knows right. .well, my phone already broken lorh. . that's why I need a new phone. ..FAST!!

*can someone please buy the phone for me. .=.=*

by the way, currently I am listening to a song. .a lonely september by plain white t's. . here's the lyrics and u can browse for the song in the internet ok. .

a lonely september by plain white t's

I'm sittin' here all by myself
Just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
Just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
To leave the rest of the world behind

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself
That you're not the one for me
But the more I think, the less I believe it
And the more I want you here with me
You know the holidays are coming up
I don't want to spend them alone
Memories of Christmas time with you
Will just kill me if I'm on my own

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back

I know it's not the smartest thing to do
We just can't seem to get it right
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight
One more chance tonight

I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar
But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
We've got nothing left to prove

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

And I didn't mean to meet you then
We were just kids
And I didn't mean to give you chills
The way that I kiss
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did

the song is pretty nice and I like it!! ( 1 person liked this ). . .well. . .I think that's all for now. .it's 12.30am already. .need some sleep. .bye!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30082011. .

well. . this time it looks a little bit arranged right. . .ok. . right now,it is raining and i'm counting days to fly back to miri *woot!*. .by the way, there is one blog that is really interesting. . .superbly interesting. . .compared to me, I was nothing. . .hehe. . .seriously. . .I'm nothing compared to her blog. . .here's the link. .fanurul kemp's. . .u should try to read it too. . .SO FUNNY!!haha. . .

ok. . today i'm gonna update about raya. . .sorry about the lateness. . .got some other business to take care off. . .furthermore, we are moving to another dorm after this. . .and it is insanely far from my current dorm. . .urghh!!my room kinda mess right now and i'm not having any thought of having it cleaned sooner. . .haha. . .*throwing pillow*


here's my story for today. . .extremely tired because of the open house. . .well,this is the first time we are conducting an open house and I really dunno that it will be this tiresome. . .seriously shit. . .my father called only 7 person of his chinese friends ( read again : seven ) and guess what. .it is 7 family that come to the event. . .seven person turns out to be seven family??that's only the beginning. . .what can I say that when we are inviting our chinese friends, just be prepared ok. . .haha. . . .we never really know what hit us. . .LOL. . .

it has been so long that I uploaded pictures into my blog right. . .well, I let u see some . .if u wanna see more, just browse through my facebook account ok. .

we are having breakfast before get ready for the open house. . .it's not much but we should be grateful on what we have right. . .

well. . .take a peek will u. . we only get some light snack for the kids ( but it seems like the adult that finished them of rather than the kids ), 4 types of kek lapis *proud to be sarawakian* . .uh. . .why did my phone interfered??

hurmmm. . .I think this is the first 'wave'. xD. . .*thinking*. . . .yeah. . i'm sure about it. . .my father get to know him when he involved in the car business. . .let see the second wave ok. .

this is the second wave. . he brought along his dad and mom too. . .( should I called both of them grandpa and grandma already?. .hehe. . )

look. . .now u believe that i'm not bluffing right.  .the third wave tells the story. . haha. . .

look. . .another wave had come. . .and this is time it is better. . .3 cars altogether. . .WAHH!!. .LOL. . .
(ignore my sister)

can't take the wide angle type of photos. . .if not, u can see the whole picture! *throwing trash to everyone*

one wave gone, another one coming!! *run*

he is daddy's friend. . .living just next to us. . but sure talks a lot. . .hehe. . .

actually,there are lots more to being uploaded but since the line is so slow,so just enjoyed what had being included ok. . .peace!!

*currently I am living in V2 ( yeah, we moved to another village. .), and the internet is so slow ( eventhough we are using LAN. . .) . . .so,I will rarely update my blog. . but, I'll try my best ok . .adios amigos!*

thank you for visiting!



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