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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tips when u already broke up. . .

In the previous entry, I already talked on why do we break up. . .now, it's time for the tips when u already broke up with ur girlfriend or ur boyfie. . .let's get started!!

After months and years you had spent on defending your relationship, finally it's time to break up. . .what I'm trying to say that it is not only able to shed your tears, but this break up destroy ur soul and heart. . . During that time, u will feel lonely and sad. . . .u only will be happy again if the time can be reversed back and the broke up can be prevented. . . Unfortunately, what you would like to happened will not occurred. . .what are you going to do?

here's some tips that u can do to lighten up ur mood. . .first, I bet all of u have friends right?then go hang out with ur friends!there are good effects and bad effects of this one. .the good side is it can give u some times to forget what had happened between both of u. . besides, friends are always there for us. . .so, use them wisely!!haha. . .*Faqqar, quit that crap*. .but, seriously,  when u r in my shoes, u will find that ur friends are the place where u can cheer urself back. .

next, cry. . .yeah. . u should cry as much as u can. .by doing this, u can release all ur stress and ur sorrow in one go. . .seriously, u should do this. .besides, after u cry like crazy, u won't cry again after that right. . .I still remembered when Miss NF and I broke up last January. . .I cried like hell and thanks to Allah, I managed to lighten up my mood a bit. .so, when u broke up with ur boyfie or ur girlfriend, just cry!!it's a really good way to release all the burden in urself. .pray to Allah too!!

what next?urmm. . .yeah. . .if u got some money, go for traveling. . go to places that u really want to go before. . .Paris, London,New York to Borneo. . .hehe. . .just go for it!reminder : DON'T GO TO PLACES THAT U AND UR GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND HAD OR ALWAYS WENT BEFORE. . .u ignore that, u will see the consequences. . .it's pretty hard for you to recover back if u go to the places where both of u had went before. . .I experienced that and I know it. .I went back to my previous school and go sit by myself at the stairs where we always have our dates before, I went to Parkson Shopping Complex and I took a tour around the building. . .automatically, my feet move itself to where both of us had met before. . .so, my advice, don't go to places where u had gone to with ur boyfriend or girlfriend. . .fullstop!

let us move to the next point. . I think this is the last point,since my brain can't think anything anymore. .busy urself with other activities. . suggestions?involve urself with charity. . example, go to orphanage or anywhere else where u can do good deeds. . .else, go for photography!!I love photography!!street photography would be nice. . u can capture the emotion and faces of people around u. . .go for a walk around the city or anywhere is possible, and just press the shutter button. . there is no need of big chunk of equipment such as DSLR. . .compact camera is more than enough. . .if u want to make the photos look old school, go for vintage camera. .rich??go for Leica camera. . .hehe. .just shoot anything as long as u managed to busy urself. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . .feel free to comment. .and hope this will help you. . .I tried it before, at first it was successful, then I met Miss NF and until now, I can't forget her. . maybe, she is the one for me. . .=')

thanks for spending ur time on reading this. . .


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