

♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪

Friday, September 30, 2011


huarghh!!I wonder what make me feel like this. . .there is something that I want to share with u. . .don't u realize that facebook right now is kinda lame??

well. .no offence ok. . . there are so much changes had been done by them and sometimes ( well, most of the time ) giving us some troubles to adapt with it. . .some people had mentioned to me that facebook also got some similarities with twitter. . .the TIMELINE!!yeah. . there are certain people that saying that facebook had come with new features such as the timeline. . eventhough they are not mentioning it as timeline, but as a twitter users, we can detect it. . .so, what I am trying to say here is why did facebook try to imitate twitter?

got this picture from here . . .actually I googled it before then I found this pretty nice picture about twitter versus facebook.  .LOL. . kinda funny tho. . ..

next story. . .planning to change my dslr with a new one. . .thinking of nikon d90 or nikon d7000. . .nikon d7000 far outweigh nikon d90 in terms of specs. . .just found one buyer that want to buy nikon d5100 from me. . .well, need to find some cash to buy the camera lorh. . .hehe. . .my future dslr. . . .nikon d7000 with 50mm f1.8G. . sounds nice right. . .

this is the nikon d7000 body. . .here's the specs. . .click here

and this is the nikkor lens 50mm f1.8G

the main differences between 50mm 1.8G and 50mm 1.8D is G got motor and D doesn't have motor. . .when a G-lens being fitted to a DSLR body which doesn't have motor, it can autofocus. . .but, it wouldn't be the same if a D-lens combine with a DSLR body that doesn't have motor. . u can only manual focus them. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . it seems like this blog will be some kind of photography blog. . .who cares right??this is my blog and I have my own way to express myself!!LOL. . .kinda excited. . .

by the way, HAPPY 1st OCTOBER!!

*poof* I'm off!  =___=''

Monday, September 26, 2011

LOL. . .

haha. . actually got no idea on what to post . . officially, I am living in V2A. . the room is pretty nice and it is not that small. . .just nice. . .but, it is still quite messy. . got no time to clean it up perfectly ok. . .I am not that lazy ok. . .haha. .

by the way, I just emailed someone from Shell Scholarship Department. . .I think he is an international man. . .the name also sounds like not malaysian. .maybe after this couple of weeks, I can get my scholarship already. . finally. . .

this new semester I'm gonna be a new person!!must CHANGED!!I got a new target, got a better spirit and I believe that I can do what I want to do. . and I believe that I will achieve it!I'm sure. . .Insyallah. . .I realized that my family are having high expectation towards me and I should do better than what I had done before right. . .wish me luck ok. .

besides, there are some bad stories happened lately. . first, I got asthma. . LOL. . can u believe that??me??asthma??hehe. . .got a picture of me using the nebulizer  ( I think this is the correct spelling for it) ( and I think this is the name of that thing. . hehe ) ,but as u all know, the internet connection here is pretty 'fast' and I got 'no' problem at all in browsing the net. . .if u got what I meant. . haha. . .

next, my plan to buy an Iphone crushed!!!!urghh!!I think I will get the phone pretty late lorh. . .haiya. . but, I really need to concentrate on my study now and maybe I can get it faster than I thought. . who knows right. .well, my phone already broken lorh. . that's why I need a new phone. ..FAST!!

*can someone please buy the phone for me. .=.=*

by the way, currently I am listening to a song. .a lonely september by plain white t's. . here's the lyrics and u can browse for the song in the internet ok. .

a lonely september by plain white t's

I'm sittin' here all by myself
Just tryin' to think of something to do
Tryin' to think of something, anything
Just to keep me from thinking of you
But you know it's not working out
'cause you're all that's on my mind
One thought of you is all it takes
To leave the rest of the world behind

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

I'm sittin' here tryin' to convince myself
That you're not the one for me
But the more I think, the less I believe it
And the more I want you here with me
You know the holidays are coming up
I don't want to spend them alone
Memories of Christmas time with you
Will just kill me if I'm on my own

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back

I know it's not the smartest thing to do
We just can't seem to get it right
But what I wouldn't give to have one more chance tonight
One more chance tonight

I'm sittin' here tryin' to entertain myself with this old guitar
But with all my inspiration gone it's not getting me very far
I look around my room and everything I see reminds me of you
Oh please, baby won't you take my hand
We've got nothing left to prove

Well I didn't mean for this to go as far as it did
And I didn't mean to get so close and share what we did
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back, but I know you did

And I didn't mean to meet you then
We were just kids
And I didn't mean to give you chills
The way that I kiss
And I didn't mean to fall in love, but I did
And you didn't mean to love me back but I know you did
Don't say you didn't love me back 'cause you know you did
No, you didn't mean to love me back
But you did

the song is pretty nice and I like it!! ( 1 person liked this ). . .well. . .I think that's all for now. .it's 12.30am already. .need some sleep. .bye!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

30082011. .

well. . this time it looks a little bit arranged right. . .ok. . right now,it is raining and i'm counting days to fly back to miri *woot!*. .by the way, there is one blog that is really interesting. . .superbly interesting. . .compared to me, I was nothing. . .hehe. . .seriously. . .I'm nothing compared to her blog. . .here's the link. .fanurul kemp's. . .u should try to read it too. . .SO FUNNY!!haha. . .

ok. . today i'm gonna update about raya. . .sorry about the lateness. . .got some other business to take care off. . .furthermore, we are moving to another dorm after this. . .and it is insanely far from my current dorm. . .urghh!!my room kinda mess right now and i'm not having any thought of having it cleaned sooner. . .haha. . .*throwing pillow*


here's my story for today. . .extremely tired because of the open house. . .well,this is the first time we are conducting an open house and I really dunno that it will be this tiresome. . .seriously shit. . .my father called only 7 person of his chinese friends ( read again : seven ) and guess what. .it is 7 family that come to the event. . .seven person turns out to be seven family??that's only the beginning. . .what can I say that when we are inviting our chinese friends, just be prepared ok. . .haha. . . .we never really know what hit us. . .LOL. . .

it has been so long that I uploaded pictures into my blog right. . .well, I let u see some . .if u wanna see more, just browse through my facebook account ok. .

we are having breakfast before get ready for the open house. . .it's not much but we should be grateful on what we have right. . .

well. . .take a peek will u. . we only get some light snack for the kids ( but it seems like the adult that finished them of rather than the kids ), 4 types of kek lapis *proud to be sarawakian* . .uh. . .why did my phone interfered??

hurmmm. . .I think this is the first 'wave'. xD. . .*thinking*. . . .yeah. . i'm sure about it. . .my father get to know him when he involved in the car business. . .let see the second wave ok. .

this is the second wave. . he brought along his dad and mom too. . .( should I called both of them grandpa and grandma already?. .hehe. . )

look. . .now u believe that i'm not bluffing right.  .the third wave tells the story. . haha. . .

look. . .another wave had come. . .and this is time it is better. . .3 cars altogether. . .WAHH!!. .LOL. . .
(ignore my sister)

can't take the wide angle type of photos. . .if not, u can see the whole picture! *throwing trash to everyone*

one wave gone, another one coming!! *run*

he is daddy's friend. . .living just next to us. . but sure talks a lot. . .hehe. . .

actually,there are lots more to being uploaded but since the line is so slow,so just enjoyed what had being included ok. . .peace!!

*currently I am living in V2 ( yeah, we moved to another village. .), and the internet is so slow ( eventhough we are using LAN. . .) . . .so,I will rarely update my blog. . but, I'll try my best ok . .adios amigos!*

Saturday, September 10, 2011


ok. . here's what happened on this date. . .before that, programming test is horribly done. . .especially C++!!i'm wondering how I'm gonna survive. . .I really think that I will definitely repeat the subject. . .hurmm. . .besides, other people already go back!!NO~~~ *sad*

here's the story ok. . .read it and shh. . . . ( please keep quiet when u r in library )

29082011 – wake up early for sahur. . .but, I only ate yesterday’s roti john and orange juice. . .LOL. . ( ONLY??!! ) xD. . .then continue sleeping. . .by the way. . congratulation to Manchester united for crushing arsenal by 8 – 2. . .yahoo!!hehe. . . hatrik by rooney, one goal for nani , two from young and the other two is from welbeck and park. . .congratulation again MU!!

Wake up at 8.00am, go to the kitchen. . .help my mom prepare for open house. . .kuah satay,done, kelupis, going to put it in the cooker, red onion and their relatives, done too!!currently my sister is washing the mutton. . well,update about me later!!ciao!!

Currently watching fullhouse episode 5. . .the time is 4.30pm. . well, here is the story for the day. . .we went to emart to buy fruits for the cocktail, and the things for the spaghetti. . .we are planning to have spaghetti for breaking the fast. . .well, it will be me who is cooking this time. . hehe. . .style right?

By the way, my mom bought lots of pretty frame with pictures just now. . .there are 13 of them. . .2 large size. . .4 medium size, 4 smaller-than-medium-sized and the other 3 is small in size. . .the large frames are pretty nice. . .got Japanese concept in it. . .there are the waterfall motif too. . . and the other one got mount fuji motif on it. . .xD. . .BEAUTIFUL!!

Besides, we also went to the imperial mall to buy something. . .my mom bought 2 sets of white plates for raya. . .just a simple one to put the kuih. . .plain white plate. . LOL. . sounds like a band. . .plain white t. . .haha. . .my sister bought another outfit for raya. . .there are so much that had been spent for her. . .hehe. . .by the way, I found another white iphone 4 here. . .if I buy it using credit card, I just need to pay MYR 64 each month for 36 months. . .haha. . but blackberry bold is nice too. . .but, I prefer the iphone 4. . .plus, it is white. . .WHITE!! I’m asking my daddy to buy it for me since he has credit cards. . .hurmm. . .hope he will agree. . =)

Before we headed to our home, we went to sin liang to buy nails for the frame. . .but, we found none of them. . .but, I met sharyn there. . .she is searching for festive lamps. . LOL. . .currently sharyn is studying at KML. . KML is a short form for Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan. . .

Preparing for sungke. . .bye!!

p.s. ---> sungke is breaking the fast. . .hehe. . .

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

raya's story. . .

hye!!this is what I wrote when I'm going home to Miri.  .really sad right now.  .my coursework for programming is so low, and I might flunked the subject. . urghh!!well, here is it. . 


Hello there!!today is Friday and I am going back to Miri!!hehe. . .here’s the flow of my journey today. .at 8.30am, started my journey from UTP to medan gopeng. . .from here, I use van. . . I forgot to ask the name of the driver. . .he is helping his father after all. .besides, he is final year student in UiTM nearby UTP. . .he is doing Diploma in statistics. . .we had lots of conversation, from study to culture and language in Sarawak, and I am proud to be sarawakian. By the way, he also an anime lover!!haha. . .same goes with me bro!but, there is something that scared me off when I am in the way to medan gopeng. Both of us saw an accident involving motorcycle and a car. Poof!! The man lying down there, unconscious. .when we reached medan gopeng, we shook hand and I pay MYR 60.00 to him. . .since I am telling the fare that I had to pay him, I will tell u something before I proceed my story. . .it is not much. . actually, the fare is not that high. .but, due to the festive season, the fare roses up. . .before this the fare is only around MYR 40.00 to MYR 50.00 only. . .
9.29am – currently I am waiting for the bus. . .Star Shuttle. .the fare hasn’t changed since the first time I used their service. . still MYR 42.00. . .luckily that I had ordered the ticket earlier. . .based on what I had saw just now, the ticket are selling like a hot curry puff. . . LOL. . .do I need to related it with curry puff??I ate lots of curry puff yesterday. . .It has been long time since I haven’t ate any curry puff. . .by the way, I met new friend!!hurmm. . .wait. . .what is her name?. . .I don’t really remember. . .but, she is from Sarawak too!!to be exact, from Kuching. .urghh!!I forgot to ask for her phone number. . .email or facebook is better. .she is studying at UiTM too, same with the brother that give me a ride before. .her voice. . .urmm. . how could I say this huh?. .so ‘loud’. . haha. . if u know what I meant. .I barely can hear her voice. .done with that!

10.08am – the bus started to move already. . .there was an incident that happened just now. .it’s quite funny if u r watching it live. .and it may be less funny if u r reading it now. .there is one Indian woman sitting in front of me. .using blue shirt, with a bandana. . .well, I think she is a typical Indian girl. . .around 40. .then, a woman approached her and asked her to change to other seat. .for your information, the bus that I am using right now are free-seated. We can seat anywhere we want. This cute malay girl want that seat and there are some talking going on just now. .LOL . . .sounds like a reporter already. .blah. .blah. .blah. .the malay woman win. .the Indian woman lost. .hey, I am not trying to be a racist ok. .it’s true. .ok. . .want to go to sleep. . .lack of sleep already. . . .adios amigos!!

p.s. watched another accident here. .LOL. . .this time, it’s still involving motorcyclist and car. . .

wake up early and I realized that I come down from the bus earlier than what it had supposed to be. . .urghh!!PANICKED!!. . then,my dad give me a call and told me what to do next. . .then, I took airline transit at 1.49pm. .direct to the LCCT. . .learn something new here. . air asia-lcct, MAS- KLIA. . .hurmm. .
then, I met Ezzah, Azwa, Hajar and Aidel at the LCCT. . .ezzah, hajar aidel and me are on the same trip, to bintulu. . .only azwa is different than us.  .she is going back to kuching. .

in the plane – well, nothing unusual had happened. . .the same thing. . .but,this time, the pain due to the differences in height had gone. . .woahh!!i’m feeling better because of this. . .LOL. . go to sleep. . the flight is delayed for around 20minutes. .

around 6.30pm, we arrived at the bintulu airport. . .had some photoshoot session before leaving. .well, when I am going to buy the bus ticket from bintulu to miri, I called my mom. . .but, my sister answered it. . .by all of sudden, I being pushed by someone from behind. . .LOL. . .it was my sister. . .and my mom and my dad is sitting at the cafe in the airport. . .hehehe. . .

in the car – having lots of conversation about my study, about my enthusiasm towards photography. . .my mom was so shocked to hear that I want to change my course to photography. . .hurmm. . a really bad choice. . .

for dinner, we had seafood in a Chinese restaurant. . .frankly to say, their baby kalian and fried squid are not that delicious. . .the taste doesn’t reached my threshold. .but. the fish is nice. . .ikan kerapu kukus. . .got some picture of it. . .wait, after the fish had been eaten.  .LOL. . we are so hungry lorh. . .
sleep. .

27082011 – go to Farley to met my mom former worker. .I called her kak miemah. . .getting chubbier already. . haha. . .shopping for a while in the Farley but nothing caught my attention. . .then, all of us go to one world. .it is a shopping complex at bintulu. . .pretty nice and looks like miri. . haha. . .really miss miri. . .want to go there lorh. . .found iphone 4 white for MYR 2159 only. . .forgot to withdraw money from the ATM. . .so rushing. . .before I found the phone, we went upstairs and bought three shirts already!!hehe. . 2 white, one black. . .this year theme : KOREAN. . .

p.s. one of the shirt look like the one that Hanazarawa Rui wore in Boys Over Flower Japanese version. . .hehe. . .

Done with that. . .go to esplanade and buy food for break the fast. . .we buy lots of them. . squid, beef, fish curry and more. .then, go to tanjung batu. . .having some photoshoot there too. . .pheww. . the view is nice. . .done with photoshoot, we headed to the mosque. . .I think, this is the most modern mosque. . .why?why?why??got free wi-fi. . .LOL. . .do you want to know the name of the mosque?here is it. . .MASJID HIDAYAH BINTULU. . .I’m pretty sure bintulurians know about it. . .xD

Currently in the car and headed back to miri. . the time is 5.34pm and adios amigos!!

Reached miri at 8.20pm. . .the journey that supposed to take around 2 hours plus became 3 hours plus. . haha. .LOL .. actually, we stopped by batu niah first to break the fast. . .we ate the food that we had bought earlier. . .it’s quite delicious especially the beef. . .the squid is quiet spicy. .frankly to say, we are so full . . .hey, mentioning about the food, have u ever try the almond dates??the differences between the original dates and the almond dates is the original one have the seed, but the almond dates, the seed being changed to almond instead of seed. . .yummy!!but, there are some problem with it. . .first, the almond is not so crunchy. . .second, the taste of the dates is not so smooth . . I think this is because the almond absorb the juicy of the dates. . . hurmm. . .

Texted her for some time and she asked me to rest because I am tired. . LOL. . .xD. . .so caring right. . .hehe. . .well. . .i think that’s all for this trip.  .preparing for raya already lorh. . .

p.s. my parent decorated the house already and I liked it!!

thank you for visiting!



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