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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Tips when u already broke up. . .

In the previous entry, I already talked on why do we break up. . .now, it's time for the tips when u already broke up with ur girlfriend or ur boyfie. . .let's get started!!

After months and years you had spent on defending your relationship, finally it's time to break up. . .what I'm trying to say that it is not only able to shed your tears, but this break up destroy ur soul and heart. . . During that time, u will feel lonely and sad. . . .u only will be happy again if the time can be reversed back and the broke up can be prevented. . . Unfortunately, what you would like to happened will not occurred. . .what are you going to do?

here's some tips that u can do to lighten up ur mood. . .first, I bet all of u have friends right?then go hang out with ur friends!there are good effects and bad effects of this one. .the good side is it can give u some times to forget what had happened between both of u. . besides, friends are always there for us. . .so, use them wisely!!haha. . .*Faqqar, quit that crap*. .but, seriously,  when u r in my shoes, u will find that ur friends are the place where u can cheer urself back. .

next, cry. . .yeah. . u should cry as much as u can. .by doing this, u can release all ur stress and ur sorrow in one go. . .seriously, u should do this. .besides, after u cry like crazy, u won't cry again after that right. . .I still remembered when Miss NF and I broke up last January. . .I cried like hell and thanks to Allah, I managed to lighten up my mood a bit. .so, when u broke up with ur boyfie or ur girlfriend, just cry!!it's a really good way to release all the burden in urself. .pray to Allah too!!

what next?urmm. . .yeah. . .if u got some money, go for traveling. . go to places that u really want to go before. . .Paris, London,New York to Borneo. . .hehe. . .just go for it!reminder : DON'T GO TO PLACES THAT U AND UR GIRLFRIEND OR BOYFRIEND HAD OR ALWAYS WENT BEFORE. . .u ignore that, u will see the consequences. . .it's pretty hard for you to recover back if u go to the places where both of u had went before. . .I experienced that and I know it. .I went back to my previous school and go sit by myself at the stairs where we always have our dates before, I went to Parkson Shopping Complex and I took a tour around the building. . .automatically, my feet move itself to where both of us had met before. . .so, my advice, don't go to places where u had gone to with ur boyfriend or girlfriend. . .fullstop!

let us move to the next point. . I think this is the last point,since my brain can't think anything anymore. .busy urself with other activities. . suggestions?involve urself with charity. . example, go to orphanage or anywhere else where u can do good deeds. . .else, go for photography!!I love photography!!street photography would be nice. . u can capture the emotion and faces of people around u. . .go for a walk around the city or anywhere is possible, and just press the shutter button. . there is no need of big chunk of equipment such as DSLR. . .compact camera is more than enough. . .if u want to make the photos look old school, go for vintage camera. .rich??go for Leica camera. . .hehe. .just shoot anything as long as u managed to busy urself. . .

well, I think that's all for now. . .feel free to comment. .and hope this will help you. . .I tried it before, at first it was successful, then I met Miss NF and until now, I can't forget her. . maybe, she is the one for me. . .=')

thanks for spending ur time on reading this. . .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why break up?. .

hello readers!!got some interesting topic to be discussed here. . .found this entry when doing some blogwalking and I'm gonna change it a bit. . .from Malay to English. . .*smile*

well, based on the title, u will know what am I going to say right now . . why we break up?well, this is what that blog had wrote and it's up to you whether u r going to believe it or not. .

now, I'm gonna tell u some serious issues or reasons why men become the source of break up. .first, men lost his interest in his girlfriend. .well, there are lots of more beautiful and nicer girls out there. .actually, his girlfriend is still the same. . .nothing had changed. .but, sometimes that guy will lost his interest because he see that his girlfriend is no longer attractive compared to before. . .so my advice to girls, keep ur look in the best way so that ur boyfie will not lost his interest in you. . .but,if u insisted on keeping the old look and not going to improve on that, just maintain the way u r. . .just bear the risk ok!=)

next, men still got some feeling of wanna hang out with other girls instead of their own girlfriend. . .they want to try something else that gonna cause them troubles and problems if their girlfriend found out what he had done. .frankly to say, I agreed with that. . .why? because I already done that. . .but, men, u should not do this to ur girlfriend. . .it is really bad and I'm afraid that u gonna witness something that u will never forget in ur entire life. . #justsaying. . .what differentiate the good couples and bad couples is the ability to confine that feelings to break up his girlfriend's heart. . .

third, he is bored. . .actually, there are lots of cases of breakup shows that the boys are bored with u. . .those feeling of boredom may come from lots of arguments and meeting up. . .advice? don't fight and less dating!!=) by this, u should be able to make ur relationship last longer. . .it's like comparing a panasonic evolta batteries and cheap brand of batteries. . .( what am I saying right now. . urghh!! ) . .girls, u should not give the guys a routine for him to done and give him some spaces and believe me, u'll see something better than before. .=)

what number is it already huh? ok. . .the fourth reason. .we afraid of commitment. . .to guys, just admit it ok. . .there are no use of pretending anymore. . .u will think of where should u work after this, where will u get the money to cover the expenses of ur girlfriend, how much money u will give to ur parents and the lists go on. . .girls, when this occurred to u, please give him some spaces so that he can manage his money. . .when he is able to do that, then it is ur time to talk about more serious matter such as marriage. . .=)

the last point is, both of u should get ur own freedom and spaces. . .I bet both of u will appreciate it when ur partner doesn't dominating most of ur time. . .talking to each other once in a day will be more than enough. . .by this, ur partner will not get bored of u. . .*smile*

well, I think that's all for now. .conclusion? each relationship requires both of u to make some sacrifices. . .not all what u had dream before going to happened. . .those sacrifices are essential to ensure that ur relationship last long. .men will sacrifice his most valuable thing if he know that u r the right girl for him. . .suddenly I remembered Miss NF. . .missed her so much. . .='(

adios amigos readers!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dusty. . .

fuhh.  .fuhh. . fuhh. . .hadei. . .it has been a really long time since the last entry. . .kinda busy these days and got some problems with my laptop too. . .pity my blog. . .kinda dusty already. . .

talking about laptop. . .here's my advice. . .done ever try to change ur operating system a.k.a OS to another type of OS. . .especially from Windows to Mac OS. . .this is what actually had happened. . .

I tried to change my OS from Windows Seven Home Premium to Mac OS Lion. . .I done all the parts that required. . .everything. . name it. . I've done it already. . .except one thing. . .if I'm not mistaken, it was patching the Windows or something like that. .at first, the screen already show some drastic improvement and smoother operation. . .then, I try to reboot my laptop and guess what. . .well, everytime u try to open ur laptop, u will see, for example acer. . . .than it will show starting windows right. . .but it is different with me. .the screen shows acer. . . .then went blank. . .dark. . .then shows the word acer again and go black again. . .I think the laptop still got something to do with the new OS, I decided to wait. . .I think u won't believe what I'm gonna say after this. . I wait for the whole day for that laptop to open. . .still, that damn thing came out. . .DANG!!

I think I really need to buy a new laptop and try to retrieve all the content in the hard disk. .hope that it will not affect the content much. . .for your information, I forgot to make partition for the hard disk. . .I think that is a complete disaster for me. .my advice. .just be grateful with what u have right now. .fullstop. . .if u want to use a laptop for a serious editing, go for macbook pro. .if for gamers or others, choose Windows instead of Mac OS. .the price difference between both of them is noticeable too. . when u compare an Apple's laptop with others; both having the same specs, u will notice the price difference. . .it is because of the brand. . .this goes the same for DSLR. . .

talking about brand, there are lots of arguments regarding this brand war. . .take for example, Nikon and Canon. . as we all know, both of them are the major brand for DSLR ( Digital Single Lens Reflex - correct me if I'm wrong ) . .lots of people argue about this stuff. . .which one is better. . .this is my opinion. . .for video, Canon is better than Nikon. . .for image quality, Nikon surpasses Canon. .this is based on the experience of using both brand. .I already try Nikon D3100, Nikon D5100, Canon EOS 600D and Canon EOS 50D. .but, this is my opinion. .everyone have their own opinion right. .comparing the price, Canon is a little bit more expensive than Nikon. .this is because of the advertisements that Canon has compared to Nikon. . that's all. . .but, Nikon already lack of new model of DSLR right now. .Canon already came out with a new model, Canon EOS 1D Mark X. . .using a new type of engine under the hood of the magnesium body sure make this model a huge threat for Nikon. . click here for the specs. . . Canon EOS 1D Mark X

I think that's all for now. . .sorry for the boring entry. . just hope u enjoy it. .by the way, I will go to KL this coming 26th November and will go to Miri this coming 4th December. . since my laptop got some problem, there will be no new entries. . .but i'll try my best to update it ok. .thank you for reading and don't forget to follow or so whats ever. . .=)

#nowlistenind the killers - human

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